Negotiation Traditional Model The seven steps of the sale: 1.planning and/or preparation 2.introduction or opening 3.questioning 4.presentation 5.overcoming objections/negotiating 6.close or closing 7.after-sales follow-up
Negotiation Traditional Model General principles: Be able to walk away Be unique Aim high (split the difference) Find other side’s position first Trade concessions (and keep searching)
Negotiation Traditional Model Example Know: The other party’s possible opening How you will move from that to your aspiration His/her problems, obstacles, needs, preferences Your ideal bottom line The cost of any movement and its benefit to him/her The concessions s/he could make and how you could make them seem worthless or trivial (Oliver 2003)
Negotiation Newer, collaborative approach ‘helping’ other person … … identify their decision-making criteria … … and align relevant elements within their organisation … to decide together the best way forward Salesperson as a ‘trusted advisor’
Negotiation Newer, collaborative approach Facilitative questioning, e.g. … How do you currently ……… ? How well is that working ? What’s stopping you from achieving ……… ?
Negotiation Newer, collaborative approach Often drawing on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) -‘The science and art of excellence in communication’ (Bandler & Grinder) Derived from therapeutic approaches and applied to many other communication interactions
Negotiation Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Principle of Well-formed Outcomes: 1.What positive change do you want ? 2.How will you know when it has happened ? 3.What has stopped you changing so far ? 4.What do you get out of what you’re doing now ? (secondary gain) 5.Do you want to change this in all contexts ? 6.(What could go wrong ?) (Brooks 1992)
Negotiation Buying Facilitation method: Help people understand what their systems require in order to change Only the person(s) working within the culture can understand it Uniquely positioned to help them discover how to solve a problem (macro view) Match their unique buying criteria as an advisor
Buying Facilitation method: Not about: Presenting product to create interest Gathering information in order to sell what you think is needed But about helping buyers discover: All elements that need to be included in decision System variables to be accounted for, so internal systems stay intact (how the decision will affect their culture) You become an organisational consultant (Morgen 2003)
'buying decision funnel'