Ayati: A Broad Perspective on Database
A general System model of a Production or an Information System, Figure 1.1-i,
Figure 10.1, Database vs. Database Management System (DBMS) Data Information Program (Instruction Codes) (a report, a screen) Reports & Forms Generating Facilities Database Management Systems (DBMS), the machine Data Manipulation Language DML Data Retrieval DML Data Entry Forms Data Loading DML Database Data Definition Language DDL
Figure 10.2, A typical Automated Storage & Retrieval Systems Oviatt Library ASRS, California State University, Northridge (CSUN): “The ASRS consists of 13,260 steel bins, each 2' x 4', on a rack structure that occupies an 8000 sq. ft. room forty feet high. The ceiling of the room is at the level of the ceiling of the main floor of the Library. The bins are arranged on both sides of six aisles, each of which a “mini-load computer-controlled crane” has guided by rails at top and bottom.” [ ]
Figure 10.1’, Database vs. Database Management System (DBMS)?
Recalling the useful parallel Focus on the organization Many overlapped topics Focus on the community Focus on the machine & engineering Many overlapped topics Focus on the machine & engineering
Database Design must have an ‘organizational’ focus Implementation, however, will have a computer technology focus Many overlapped topics Database Design vs. Implementation Figure ff, Database: Where Business Meets Technology
A Broad View of MIS Focus on Integration of Business Processes (2000+) MIS with Multimedia and Groupware Capabilities (1990’s) MIS with DSS, ES & AI Capabilities (1980’s) MIS with DBMS Capabilities (1970’s) MIS Using TPS Capabilities ( 1970’s) EDP, 1960’s The Growing Capabilities of MIS in the mainstream business
The context usually shows the intent and meaning. if in doubt, always ask.