SOCIAL NETWORK INFORMATION CONSOLIDATION Developers: Klasquin Tomer Nisimov Yaron Rabih Erez Advisors: Academic: Elovici Yuval Technical: Lesser Ofrit, Puzis Rami
Reminder – Problem Domain Many users are members on various social networks. Maintain his information on the separate networks. Deal with ambiguities and inconsistencies within his data. Waste a lot of time and effort in order to organize his online social life. In general, social networks are not willing to share their data outside of the web site since their main purpose is that users will stay connected to their site getting their data as long as possible. Thus, getting this data from the social network to an outside application is not an easy task to perform.
Updated System Architecture
Current Status Data access Layer Completed and operational. Some minor adjustments may still be done later. Data Extraction Layer Operational HTTP Data Extractor for Facebook Operational HTTP Data Extractor for Klikot Operational API and HTTP Data Extractor for Flickr Social Network Crawler Basic skeleton of crawling algorithm is operational. Communicates with Data Extraction layer and Data Access layer in order to fetch data from social networks and persist them in the database.
Still To Be Done Complete the Social Network Crawler component. Develop a Crawler Executioner that will continuously crawl the social networks and fetch data from them. Develop components for data unification, snapshot saving and recommendation engine. Develop a GUI in order to present the data to the user.