1890 FACILITIES GRANT PROGRAM National Extension and Research Administrative Officers’ Conference (NERAOC) May , 2011
National Institute of Food and Agriculture Office of Extramural Programs Award Management Branch Session No. 11 May 23, 2011 Adriene Woodin, Section Leader
Topics for Discussion Authorized Representative’s (AR) Statement of Certification Proposal/Award Objectives Requests for Approvals No-Cost Extension (NCE)Requests Project and Construction Management Costs
Topics for Discussion (Cont’d) Pre-construction Environmental Assessment Emergency Acquisitions Annual Performance Reports Timely Completion Grant Close-out Continuing Responsibilities
Proposal/Award Objectives Objectives should be reasonable and attainable for the funding provided. Delete those objectives that are obsolete and/or unattainable (requires NIFA approval).
AR Statement of Certification This document is to be submitted when requesting NIFA’s approval for A/E Services and Contractual Arrangements. See: Article 14. Bid Guarantees and Bonding of the Special Terms & Conditions – C.
Requests for Approval Allow a minimum of 30-days for NIFA approval when submitting post-award action requests. Including all required information in the request will help expedite the approval process. Requests may be sent via as a PDF attachment
No-Cost Extension (NCE) Requests All grants must be kept current and NCE requests must be submitted prior to expiration of award. Requests must contain all information required for an extension.
NCE Requests (Cont’d) Expired awards will not be “revived”. Funds remaining on expired grants will be de-obligated and returned to U.S. Treasury. Final reports will be required.
Project Management Costs Administrative or project oversight, including participation in or supervision of bid, negotiation, or contract administration processes are Unallowable Project Costs. See Article 8. Project Costs of the Special Terms & Conditions – C.
Construction Management Costs Construction Management Costs specific to on-site supervision and inspection of construction activities to check quality and quantity of work in progress is allowable.
Construction Management Costs (cont’d) Construction Manager must be qualified by education, training, or experience Requests for Construction Manager salary costs must be tied directly to an on-going construction project –Include the amount of time involvement
Pre-Construction Environment Assessments (PEA) A PEA is required for the construction or renovation of physical facilities. PEA approval required before construction contractors are hired. –Project costs would be unallowable if PEA is not completed.
Pre-Construction Environmental Assessments (Cont’d) Due to complexity of the PEA document, considerable time may be needed for NIFA’s review. The PEA must be prepared by an independent third party such as an A-E firm.
Pre-Construction Environmental Assessments (Cont’d) Requests for NIFA review of a PEA should: Identify the current and past names of the facility in the request (if applicable). Identify the Fiscal Year(s) and Objective(s) it is related to. Contain your Authorized Representative’s signature.
Pre-Construction Environmental Assessments (Cont’d) References: Article 9. Environmental Requirements of the Special Terms and Conditions – C. Section of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969.
Emergency Acquisitions Allows up to 10% of the annual appropriation amount for emergency acquisitions, repairs, and small expenditures related to advertising and bid costs. Emergency Acquisition Funds are not cumulative from year to year.
Emergency Acquisitions (Cont’d) If emergency situation goes beyond the approved scope of work as stated in the five- year plan, NIFA review and approval is required. NIFA must be notified within 90 days of the incurring emergency expenditures.
Emergency Acquisitions (Cont’d) Non-compliance of these guidelines may forfeit institution’s use of this provision for future grant awards. NIFA maintains the right to withdraw this provision for an institution at its discretion.
Annual Performance Reports Applications for renewal funds should contain the Annual report for the grant being renewed. Separate Annual Reports are required for all other open awards. Do not include these reports with your funding application. Post-award approvals and new funds will be withheld for any overdue or incomplete annual reports.
Annual Performance Reports Annual performance reports are used for NIFA Congressional reporting. Accurate and up-to-date reporting is important. Refer to Article 12. Performance Monitoring and Reporting, Special Terms and Conditions – C for full requirements and formatting.
Timely Completion Many Facilities grants from Fiscal Years 88, 93, 98, and 03 remain open: Two 1988 awards – 18 years since last funding Five 1993 awards – 14 years since last funding Over half of the 1998 projects have not been completed – 8 years since last funding Only one 2003 grant has been completed and closed
Timely Completion It is important to follow proposed project time-lines to complete activities: Open projects are reported to Congress. Jeopardizes future funds for Program. Appears funds/Program are not needed. What are the issues which preclude timely completion of projects?
Grant Close-out Final Performance and Financial Reports Due within 90 days after grant expiration. Refer to Article 26. Grant Closeout in the Special Terms and Conditions – C for full requirements and report formatting
CONTINUING RESPONSIBILITIES Real Property – use or disposition of property after award close-out shall continue to conform to Program Authorizing Language Records Retention – grant records shall be maintained and available for inspection for a period of three years after NIFA acceptance of final reports and award close-out
CONTACT US Darlene Brown, Grants Specialist – (202) , (AL-GA) Barbara Dodson, Grants Specialist – (202) , (KY- NC) Jeffrey Jacobs, Grants Specialist – (202) , (OK-WV) Rochelle McCrea, Team Leader – (202) Duane Alphs, Team Leader – (202) Adriene Woodin, Branch Chief – (202) Fax numbers: (202) or (202) or (202)
MAILING INFORMATION Express Mail: Awards Management Branch NIFA-USDA th Street, SW, Room _____ Washington, DC Regular Mail: Awards Management Branch NIFA-USDA 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Mail Stop 2271 Washington, DC 20250