Music… what do all those symbols really mean?? 7 th and 8 th Grade General Music Miss Peel
Symbols Music symbols hold a lot of meaning throughout each score. They create depth and add more spark to the piece. Discussing some of the basic symbols, we will be starting with crescendo and decrescendo.
Crescendo A crescendo marking means to gradually get louder.
Decrescendo A decrescendo marking means to gradually get softer.
Fermata A fermata shows that a note or rest is supposed to be held longer than the normal duration.
Pianissimo When you see a pianissimo sign,, that means to be very soft.
Piano When the piano sign is shown,, that means to be soft.
Mezzo Piano When mezzo piano is seen,, that means medium soft.
Mezzo Forte Mezzo forte,, signals to be medium loud.
Forte The forte sign,, means to become loud.
Fortissimo The fortissimo symbol,, signals to become very loud.
Sharps When a sharp sign is seen with a note, it raises the pitch a half step.
Flats A flat sign next to a note, lowers the pitch a half step.
Quick Review Now having learned many different signs, let’s do a quick review… What does mean? What does a sharp sign do to a note? What is a fermata? Lastly… What does mezzo piano mean?
Reminder… There will be a quiz on all the symbols we have gone over today, use your notes and study for it. Have a fabulous holiday!