The UNFCCC’s Bali Roadmap: building long-term cooperative action to address climate change Claudio Forner UNFCCC secretariat 8 consultants
Introduction: The UNFCCC The Bali roadmap The Bali Action Plan Outline Introduction: The UNFCCC The Bali roadmap The Bali Action Plan What is needed?
The UNFCCC Objective: stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Such a level should be achieved within a time frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner.
2012: Kyoto first commitment period expires The UNFCCC: timeline 2009: Agreement on long-term cooperative action 1992: Convention enters into force 1979: First climate change conference Long term Cooperative Action to Address Climate Change 2005: Kyoto Protocol enters into force 2007: IPCC FAR; Bali Roadmap 2008: Kyoto first commitment period starts 2012: Kyoto first commitment period expires 1997: Kyoto Protocol Adopted 2001: Marrakesh Accords
The road to Bali: gaining political momentum A two year dialogue under the UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol short life expires after 2012 IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate change is unequivocal Global emissions continue to raise Delay in reducing emissions constrains development Humanity has the capacity to address climate change Raising the political status of climate change: UN secretary General high level event G8 APEC
The Bali Roadmap A two year negotiating process for a broad and robust response to climate change. Components: A new negotiation process (LCA) Deforestation Technology transfer Kyoto track: time table for the AWG, adaptation fund and the review of the Protocol
New negotiations: Bali Action Plan Enhance the implementation of the Convention An Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-Term Cooperative Action under the Convention to address: Nationally appropriate commitments or actions by developed countries and mitigation actions for developing countries; Essential actions to adapt to climate change and promote climate-resilient development; Mobilise finance and technology cooperation to support action.
Action by developed countries On mitigation On adaptation Action by developing countries Shared vision Emission reductions Resilience/reduced vulnerability Elements of support Enabling elements Input to support Output to support Catalytic role of the UNFCCC
Action by developed countries Measurable, reportable, verifiable mitigation action/commitments Implementation of action on adaptation Action to support action by developing countries Action by developing countries Nationally appropriate mitigation actions supported and enabled by technology, financing and capacity building Reducing emissions from deforestation Implementation of action on adaptation National/international action Cooperative sectoral approaches and sector-specific actions on mitigation
Elements of support Access to financial resources and support (FMR, TT) Positive incentives for mitigation and adaptation action Access to technology for developing countries (FMR, TT) Financing for adaptation (AF, GEF) Enabling elements Accelerating deployment, diffusion and transfer of technology (TT) Technology R&D; technology cooperation in specific sectors (TT) Mobilization of public- and private-sector funding and investment Means of adaptation (1/CP.13, NWP, possibly 1/CP.10)
Key aspects of the Bali Action Plan Economic growth and poverty eradication are global priorities Deep cuts in global emissions are urgently required Provision of incentives to engage all Parties Going beyond assistance: the role of business and the private sector through right investment decisions A long term vision
What is needed? A comprehensive financial architecture: Mechanisms established within the UNFCCC; Mechanisms enabled through the rules under the Convention, but working outside; and Financial tools created independently of the Convention, but linked to it.
What is your role/ what can you do? What is needed? Climate change as a crosscutting challenge The UNFCCC as a catalyst for action Full mobilization of the international community Different actors = different roles What is your role/ what can you do?
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