The Peace Corps Lacey, Kelley, Greta
History The Peace Corps traces it’s roots and mission to 1960, when then Senator John F. Kennedy challenged students at the University of Michigan to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries. From that inspiration grew an agency of the federal government devoted to world peace and friendship.The Peace Corps traces it’s roots and mission to 1960, when then Senator John F. Kennedy challenged students at the University of Michigan to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries. From that inspiration grew an agency of the federal government devoted to world peace and friendship. Officially established on March 1, 1961Officially established on March 1, 1961
Goals Helping the people of interested countries in meeting their needs for trained men and womenHelping the people of interested countries in meeting their needs for trained men and women Helping promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served.Helping promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served. Helping promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of all Americans.Helping promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of all Americans. Village men working on a self-help project to repair the broken pipes that long ago had brought water from a far away stream to the village spigot.
Requirements Must be 18yrs of age or older (no limit)Must be 18yrs of age or older (no limit) US citizenUS citizen Service is 27monthsService is 27months Most volunteers have an undergraduate degreeMost volunteers have an undergraduate degree Can not have been involved with an intelligence agency or activity.Can not have been involved with an intelligence agency or activity. Married couples must serve togetherMarried couples must serve together
Application Process Peace Corps volunteers make a formal application to the Peace Corps. The Peace Corps’ application acceptance rate is roughly 50 percent.Peace Corps volunteers make a formal application to the Peace Corps. The Peace Corps’ application acceptance rate is roughly 50 percent. Peace Corps volunteers stay with people from the local community for their first three months in-country and then, in many cases, find their own accommodation.Peace Corps volunteers stay with people from the local community for their first three months in-country and then, in many cases, find their own accommodation. Can apply on line or with paper applicationCan apply on line or with paper application
Application Process Application includes essay for cross-cultural experience and a motivation statementApplication includes essay for cross-cultural experience and a motivation statement References from employer, volunteer supervisor, and a personal acquaintance.References from employer, volunteer supervisor, and a personal acquaintance. Need to submit a health status review with application.Need to submit a health status review with application.
Benefits Less then $5000 non-education debt with documentation that arrangements have been made with lenders for deferment.Less then $5000 non-education debt with documentation that arrangements have been made with lenders for deferment. All living expenses are paid for you to live in the culture which you are volunteeringAll living expenses are paid for you to live in the culture which you are volunteering You’ll receive $6,000 after you serve to use as you pleaseYou’ll receive $6,000 after you serve to use as you please Making a difference in people’s livesMaking a difference in people’s lives
What Do Volunteers Do? CounselingCounseling Information technologyInformation technology Health and HIV/AIDS awarenessHealth and HIV/AIDS awareness Teaching chemistryTeaching chemistry Small business developmentSmall business development Youth outreachYouth outreach Community developmentCommunity development EducationEducation San Martin Alto, Ecuador. Community meeting to discuss women's guinea pig raising project. Photo by Carol Tumaylle.
Where Do Volunteers Go? ALL OVER!!!!ALL OVER!!!!