Wave-equation common-angle gathers for converted waves Paul Sava & Sergey Fomel Bureau of Economic Geology University of Texas at Austin
Imaging condition Image Source wavefield Receiver wavefield Wavefield reconstruction Imaging sketch S R Angle decomposition Angle-dependent reflectivity
Wavefield reconstruction Source wavefield Receiver wavefield S R
Imaging condition Rickett & Sava (2002) Biondi & Symes (2004) Sava & Fomel (2005) Claerbout (1985) Space shift: h={h x,h y,h z } Location: m={x,y,z}
Angle decomposition Reflection angle Azimuth angle Space shift: h={h x,h y,h z } Location: m={x,y,z} Message: images obtained by space-shift imaging contain sufficient information for converted-wave angle decomposition!
Angle decomposition
PP reflection geometry psps prpr 2p m 2p h
PS reflection geometry psps prpr 2p h 2p m
PS reflection geometry psps prpr 2p h 2p m
PS reflection geometry 3 relations, can eliminate 2 variables:
PS transformation Example: eliminate and. 3 relations, can eliminate 2 variables. Sava & Fomel (2005)
PS transformation (2D) Example: eliminate and. 3 relations, can eliminate 2 variables. Weglein & Stolt (1985) Sava & Fomel (2003)
Angle decomposition algorithm
Example distance depth v P =2 km/s v S =1 km/s
PP dataPS data surface offset time surface offset time
PP image distance depth
PS image distance depth
PP offset-gatherPS offset-gather space-shift depth space-shift depth
PP angle-gatherPS angle-gather tan( 0 ) depth tan( 0 ) depth PP transformation
PP angle-gatherPS angle-gather depth PS transformation tan( 0 )tan( )
Example 2 distance depth acquisition shots: 51 at 0.2km receivers: 401 at 0.025km Modified from Baina et al. (2005):
PP dataPS data surface offset time surface offset time
PP imagePS image distance depth distance depth Uneven amplitude
PP offset-gathersPS offset-gathers depth space-shift
PP angle-gathersPS angle-gathers depth angle
PP angle-gatherPS angle-gather angle depth angle depth PP transformation
PP angle-gatherPS angle-gather angle depth angle depth PS transformation
PP angle-gathersPS angle-gathers depth angle Normal polarity
PP angle-gathersPS angle-gathers depth angle Reversed polarity
PP stackPS stack distance depth distance depth
Conclusions Angle decomposition for converted-waves Space-shift imaging condition –Independent of extrapolation method –Contains all required information Real challenge: what are the velocity models?