Stanford Wave Induced Particle Precipitation (WIPP) Code Prajwal Kulkarni U.S. Inan, T.F. Bell March 4, 2008 Space, Telecommunications and Radioscience (STAR) Laboratory Stanford University Stanford, CA
2 Outline 1.Motivation 2.Ground-based VLF Transmitters 3.Wave-Particle Interaction 4.Simulation Results 5.Conclusions
3 Motivation and Procedure Resonant interactions with waves are responsible for the acceleration and loss of radiation belt electrons. In the inner belt and slot region, different types of waves (whistlers, hiss, VLF transmitters) are important drivers of precipitation. Abel and Thorne [1998a] Inan et al. [1984] used a test particle approach to calculate precipitation zones around existing ground-based VLF transmitters Considered only ducted propagation We calculate the precipitation signatures induced by the NPM, NWC, NLK, NAU and NAA ground-based VLF transmitters as well as by hypothetical transmitters Utilize the Stanford 2D VLF Raytracing program Calculate Landau damping along raypath [Bell et al., 2002]. Calculate energetic electron precipitation based on method of Bortnik et al. [2005a, 2005b]. We focus on > 100 keV electrons
4 Transmitter Parameters L = 2.75 f = 24.8 kHz 192 kW L = 1.15 f = 21.4 kHz 424 kW L = 2.98 f = 24.0 kHz 1000 kW L = 1.38 f = 19.8 kHz 1000 kW L = 1.30 f = kHz 100 kW
kHz 424 kW L = ° VLF Transmitters
6 No Magnetospheric Reflections Wave frequency must be below the local lower hybrid resonance frequency, f LHR f LHR generally below 13 kHz in inner magnetosphere Increases at locations closer to the surface of the earth. Ground based transmitters radiate frequencies above the f LHR and therefore do not MR
7 Wave-Particle Interaction H effectively determines electron resonant velocity Higher frequency waves resonate with lower energy electrons So which factor is most important: location, frequency, radiated power? H : gyrofrequency : wave frequency k z : wave k-vector : relativistic gamma-factor v z : resonant electron velocity
8 Case Study NAA: L = 2.98 (54.6 o ), kHz, 1 MW NAU: L = 1.30 (28.6 o ), kHz, 100 kW Both at 100 kW, NAA location, equatorial interactions Actual locations, 100 kW Off-equatorial interactions Actual characteristics Both at 100 kW Equatorial Interactions
10 Role of Source Location
11 Role of Source Location: 100 keV All transmitters at 1 MW radiated power
12 Role of Source Location: 1 MeV All transmitters at 1 MW radiated power
13 Role of Radiated Power
14 Underlying Models
15 Conclusion We have calculated > 100 keV energetic electron precipitation signatures that would be induced by five existing ground-based VLF transmitters NAA, NLK, NAU, NPM, NWC NWC induces the strongest precipitation signature Simulated several hypothetical transmitters distributed broadly in geomagnetic latitude and operating at a wide range of frequencies. Investigated the relationship between transmitter location, operating frequency and radiated power H (source location) directly proportional to resonant energy inversely proportional to resonant energy Location, location, location! Future work: compare predictions with data