Transforming Private Life I. The Sexual Revolution A. Causes B. Effects II. Women’s Liberation A. Beginnings B. Political Action C. Consciousness D. Gender III. Gay Rights Movement A. Prehistory B. Stonewall C. The Politics of Visibility IV. Impact
Kinsey Reports Prof. Alfred Kinsey –Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) –Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953)
Swinging Singles Hugh Hefner –Playboy (1953) Helen Gurley Brown –Sex and the Single Girl (1962) –Cosmopolitan Magazine (1965)
Birth Control Margaret Sanger Comstock Law Griswold v. CT (1965)
The Pill Dr. Gregory Pincus Catherine McCormick Dr. John Rock
Marriage Dramatic decline in marriage rate People marry later
Premarital Sex Increasing numbers of women engage in sex before marriage
Living Together Massive increase in number of cohabitating couples
Divorce Divorce rate climbs
Women’s Lib Rep. Shirley Chisholm Betty Freidan Gloria Steinem
Abortion Roe v. Wade (1973)
Consciousness Raising
Challenging Gender Roles
Homosexuality Sin v. Sexuality Repression –Sodomy laws –Liquor licensing –Police harassment –Social stigma– “The Closet” The Fleet’s In! Paul Cadmus, 1934
Stonewall Rebellion Rights consciousness Open resistance NYT, June 29, 1969