1 A Lyapunov Approach to Frequency Analysis Tingshu Hu, Andy Teel UC Santa Barbara Zongli Lin University of Virginia
2 Outline Introduction – Background – Motivation and problem formulation Frequency response: main results – Linear systems – Homogeneous systems – Nonlinear systems Frequency analysis for linear differential inclusions – Numerical analysis with quadratic Lyapunov functions – An observation on frequency response vs L 2 gain Conclusions
3 Background Frequency analysis for linear systems – A complete theory with fully developed numerical tools Closely related to L 2 gain, robust stability and performance Frequency analysis for nonlinear systems – Attempted since 1950s – Approximate analysis tool: describing function (no longer persuaded) – Complex phenomena observed: jump, subharmonic oscillations, No systematic approach, as far as we know Input-output property for nonlinear systems – Lyapunov approach (Sontag and Wang) – LMI for linear systems (Boyd et al) May be conservative when u belongs to a specific class, e.g., periodical Our objective: Develop systematic approach to frequency analysis for nonlinear systems
4 Frequency Response for Linear Systems For a SISO linear system: Frequency response: For a nonlinear system -- no transfer function, the output not necessarily sinusoidal, not even periodic -- how to define frequency response?
5 A Bridge: An Equivalent Definition for Linear Systems The input u= k in sin ( t can be written as: Consider the combined system Claim: k out / k in is the least positive number such that there exists K > 0 and satisfying
6 Extension to Nonlinear Systems A nonlinear system: where u is the output of an oscillator : Consider the combined system Let K be a locally Lipschitz function. We call an upper bound for the frequency response if there exist K > 0 and satisfying The infimum of such functions ’s is called the frequency response
7 Characterization of Frequency Response Through A Lyapunov Approach Our Objective: For Linear systems Homogeneous systems Nonlinear systems
8 FR: Linear Systems Main result: With Lyapunov approach, FR can be exactly characterized with quadratic functions. The system: Assumptions: Theorem: The FR is the least such that there exist P =P T , satisfying
9 FR: Homogeneous Systems Main result: FR can be exactly characterized with homogeneous Lyapunov functions. The system: Assumptions: w, g for all g G( w ). ( |w( t )| w 0 ) F and h are homogeneous of degree one and globally Lipschitz. Denote
10 FR: Homogeneous Systems Consider a C 1 function W : R n+l R 0 and numbers p satisfying Theorem: The FR is the infimum of such that there exist p and a C 1 function W, homogeneous of degree p, satisfying (1). (1)
11 FR: Nonlinear Systems Main result: Any upper bound for FR can be arbitrarily approximated with Locally Lipschitz Lyapunov functions. The system: Assumptions: w, g for all g G( w ). ( |w( t )| w 0 ) F is locally Lipschitz with nonempty, convex and compact values. Denote
12 FR: Nonlinear Systems Given locally Lipchitz. Consider a locally Lipschitz function W : R n+l R 0 and numbers p satisfying Theorem: is an upper bound of FR if and only if there exist p and a locally Lipschitz function W satisfying (2). (2)
13 Nonlinear Systems: An Example The system: If d is arbitrary, the steady state gain from d to y is unbounded, e.g., a constant d > 1 will drive y unbounded. Now assume d ( t ) = k sin ( t Then By using Lyapunov approach with p = 2, The steady state x is bounded by 2|w 0 |/ 2k/ The gain is less than
14 LDIs: Numerical Analysis with Quadratic Lyapunov Functions A linear differential inclusion (LDIs): For polytopic LDIs, Given Consider W ( T P is an upper bound for the FR if there exist P = P T > 0, such that LMI - based algorithm has been developed to minimize the bound Other numerically tractable homogeneous Lyapunov functions are under consideration.
15 LDIs: An Observation of FR vs L 2 Gain Linear system: Peak of FR L 2 Gain What do we expect for LDIs, Peak of FR L 2 Gain ? If this is the case, we can suppress FR indirectly by minimizing L 2 gain. A counter example: A second order LDI, L 2 gain By LMI algorithm in Boyd et al. Peak of FR By simulation, with Peak of FR With LMI-based algorithm, Two asymptotic resp.
16 Conclusions FR definition extended to nonlinear systems – Based on a bridge established for linear systems Lyapunov approach developed to evaluate FR – Linear systems with quadratic functions – Homogeneous systems with homogeneous functions – Nonlinear systems with locally Lipchitz functions LMI- based algorithm for FR analysis of LDIs An obeservation: peak of FR L 2 gain Future works – Numerical analysis for LDIs with homogeneous Lyapunov functions – Extension to discrete-time systems – Applications