1 Space System of Systems Engineering Dr. Wanda Austin Senior Vice President National Systems Group October 25, 2006 © 2006 The Aerospace Corporation
Agenda Definition of System of Systems Engineering Challenges in Space Role of Software Engineering How CSSE can help
The process of planning, analyzing, organizing, and integrating the capability of a mix of existing and new systems into a system-of-system capability that is greater than the sum of the capabilities of the constituent parts. The process emphasizes the process of discovering, developing, and implementing standards that promote interoperability among systems developed via different sponsorship, management, and primary acquisition processes. * USAF SAB Report: System of Systems Engineering for Air Force Capability Development, July 2005 What is System of Systems Engineering?*
What is a System of Systems? Small stovepipes to large stovepipes – NO Loosely coupled and tightly integrated – YES 4
Titan IV A August 1998 Uniqueness of Space “One Strike and You’re Out” – Post Launch Little flexibility to changing the assets – Has to work the first time – Small “failure” can cripple or end the mission – No service calls in space! Space systems are long lead items Space systems have few qualified sources (contractors, vendors) Limitations on what onboard software can do to add capabilities and fill gaps Complexity of multiple-mission satellites adds time, cost, rigidity Interoperate with ground and air assets Support users who don’t understand space Photograph reprinted courtesy of the USAF
Nature of Space System of Systems (SOS) Engineering Complex multi-attribute tradeoffs – Technology is typically the enabler – Challenges are also managerial, organizational, and cultural Multi-faceted Constraints – Evolving set of interlocking issues and constraints – No definitive statement of the problem; requirements continually change – The problem is typically understood only after a solution is developed – Many stakeholders care about how the problem is resolved, making the problem-solving process fundamentally a social problem – Getting the “optimal” answer is less important than obtaining the stakeholders’ acceptance of the emerging solution – Usually required to maintain connectivity to the legacy capability
Technology Challenges Rapid innovation Lower barrier to entry Technology proliferation Increased capability = increased expectation Increased complexity and connectivity Persistent global access Competitive technologies
Complexity in NSS Support Support Integration Terrestrial Weapons Space Terrestrial Air Weapons Space Separate Missions Partial Integration Space Weapons Air Terrestrial Fully Integrated Increasing Complexity of Space System-of-Systems Space Asset Evolution Stove Pipe Space Systems Start of Horizontal Space System Integration Full Mission Space System Integration Block 02 Block 06 Goals & Objectives Increasing Capability Spiral Acquisition Type Acquisition A-Spec Flowdown DSP FLTSAT DMSP NSS System A NSS System B NSS System C DSCS Functional Integration GPS Navigation GPS Nuclear Detection Milsatcom UHF / EHF Milsatcom Global Broadcast Milsatcom Crosslinking Leo Consolidation, HASA, AIS, etc. Functional Integration Significant Changes in System Acquisition Signals Imagery Communications Weather Space Control, SBR, EELV, Commercial Space, etc. System of System Fully Integrates Mission Support Space Enterprise Future Direction System Development Time Line Air HORIZONTALHORIZONTAL INTEGRATIONINTEGRATION Information Integration 8
Growth in Space Software Size ESLOC (M) – Equivalent Source Lines of Code (Millions) ?
Role of Software Engineering Bulk of System of Systems integration occurs in software To achieve Space SOS integration, need to develop: – Extremely large quantities of software – …created by multiple organizations – …with high reliability and maintainability – …that is organized and structured for frequent change – …over very long life cycles These are difficult problems and have been for decades – Software is a “human activity”—E. Dikstra (late 1960s) – “Star Wars” software could not be built — David Parnas (1980s)
Critical Success Factors How CSSE Can Help Identify how complex systems or applications can best be integrated to provide maximum utility and capability? – Identify gaps and redundancies in capabilities – Reduce future acquisition development cycles – Address Testability Issues that will transcend political structures or policies Identify SoS solutions that can be implemented in software? – New technologies – Improve processes or social dynamics for software development to overcome complexity and size issues Define methods for developing emerging solutions acceptable to cross section of stakeholders
Conclusion Nature of Space Systems Engineering is changing – Focus on system of systems engineering, with loosely coupled and tightly integrated systems that focus on giving the user the maximum flexibility Challenges abound in the changing technology, the increasing complexity, and the amount of software – Uniqueness of space amplifies the challenge – Software is a key enabler for system of systems integration Establishment of CSSE is very timely! – There are many CSSE opportunities to help address the challenges in system of systems engineering for space