1 Pupil Detection and Tracking System Lior Zimet Sean Kao EE 249 Project Mentors: Dr. Arnon Amir Yoshi Watanabe
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 2 Outline Introduction and Goals Design Methodology Model of Computation Mapping and Implementation Verification Conclusions
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 3 Motivation Human-computer interfaces are becoming more important New interfaces may benefit from knowledge of the location of the user ’ s eyes –Auto-stereoscopic displays –Virtual Reality interfaces –Facial recognition systems –Eye gaze tracking
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 4 Goals Exercise design process from functional specification to implementation and verification Develop an embedded system that will find the two-dimensional location of a user ’ s pupils Apply various methodologies we have learned Use a heterogeneous collection of various components in a real-time environment
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 5 Background Human pupils may be found using two infrared light sources An on-axis light source will give the “ red- eye ” effect.
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 6 Background An off-axis light source will give a dark- pupil effect We can synchronize the two light sources with the capturing device
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 7 Difference of the two Images
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 8 Design Methodology Begin with a definition of the system with illustrations Make a formal specification using the Unified Modeling Language Describe the system using a behavioral model Explore architectural space Map functionality into chosen architecture Verify implementation
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 9 System Definition Take in an image illuminated with two different light sources Find the pupils in the image Calculate the position of the pupils Output the coordinates
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 10 UML Diagrams UML is used for formally describing a system Use-case diagram shows functions of the system without implying how it is done Class diagram shows what functional blocks are used Sequence diagrams show how the use- cases are executed
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 11 Use Case Diagram
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 12 Class Diagram
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 13 Y-Chart of the Project System Behavior System Architecture Mapping Refine Implementation of System First, we’ll describe the system behavior with an appropriate model of computation
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 14 Model of Computation Processes large amounts of data in a similar way Dataflow model is the most appropriate Our system is not control-centric But some parts of the system are easier to describe using sequential algorithms Mixed models of computation
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 15 Simulink versus Ptolemy (Virgil) Ptolemy has the ability to mix models of computation and has support for synchronous dataflow But Virgil does not have a simple way to integrate sequential algorithms Simulink has extensive support for sequential algorithms (Matlab) But lacks clearly defined semantics, combination of dataflow and discrete-event
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 16 Simulink Model of Computation Use one clock to synchronize the system No implicit definitions how many tokens are generated or used We use counters and synchronous signals to determine how many “ tokens ” are on edges
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 17 Simulink Model Properties of objects on a line Connect objects in different lines Update properties of known objects in a frame Calculate (X,Y) coordinates from those properties Display the coordinates Image capture model (source) FIFO Subtraction and threshold
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 18 Verifying the Functionality Obtained images from IBM Almaden Research Center Run Simulink model on half-scale images and verify the behavioral model
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 19 System Architecture on Y-Chart System Behavior System Architecture Mapping Refine Implementation of System Next, we’ll define the system architecture
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 20 System Architecture Image capture device Programmable hardware Frame buffer FIFO Interface controller PC Architecture Space Programmable hardware PC Image capture device Frame buffer FIFO Interface controller
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 21 Mapping on Y-Chart System Behavior System Architecture Mapping Refine Implementation of System Map the behavior onto the architecture
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 22 Mapping and HW/SW Partition Frame buffer –RAM vs FIFO Subtraction and thresholding of data –Hardware offers a fast, simple way –Software requires high memory bandwidth Extracting objects from the video data –Algorithm is non-trivial to implement in hardware, a fully parallel implementation is costly –Software implementation is straightforward for sequential algorithms, but requires fast data transfers to processor
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 23 Mapping and HW/SW Partition Calculating coordinates –Requires a hardware divider (expensive) –Needs lots of data to be passed, calculation is cheap in software Displaying the XY coordinates –Hardware requires complicated interface to some type of display –Easy to display on monitor, only requires small amounts of data to transfer
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 24 Communication Deal with heterogeneous blocks Different types of blocks require different types of communication FPGA Block Image capture device FPGA Block PC Image capture device PC Register Arrays Parallel data stream USB I2C
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 25 Design Choices Zoran CMOS Sensor Zoran Video IP Evaluation Board IBM Almaden BlueEyes LED Board Altera APEX20K FPGA Averlogic Frame Buffer FIFO Cypress USB Controller
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 26 Design Choices Properties of objects on a line Connect objects in different lines Update properties of known objects in a frame Calculate (X,Y) coordinates from those properties Display the coordinates Image capture model (source) FIFO Subtraction and threshold CMOS Sensor Frame buffer Altera FPGA and Zoran Evaluation board PC USB controller
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 27 Implementation from Behavioral Model No available tool that can effectively apply model of computation to various architectural implementations yet Xilinx SysGen tool cannot handle data stream Real-Time Workshop for Simulink –Does not necessarily generate efficient code Various programs that generate Verilog from C –May not be synthesizable
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 28 LeonardoSpectrum and Quartus ModelSim Simulink Implementation Verilog (synthesized manually) is used for hardware blocks C/C++ (synthesized manually) used for software blocks System Behavior System Architecture Mapping Refine Implementation of System
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 29 Verification ModelSim used to simulate Verilog LeonardoSpectrum used to synthesize Verilog into FPGA netlist Quartus used to map and place & route Visual C++ used to compile and simulate software components
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 30 System Demo
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 31 Conclusions Good design methodology allowed us to exercise the complete design process in a short time span (time-to-market) Separating functionality from implementation can solve many errors early in the design process Communication and interface-based design is vital for system integration No available programs to automatically synthesize the process all the way down Tried to apply EE 249 design methodologies, but implemented with traditional techniques
December 5, 2002 EE 249 Project Presentation Lior Zimet and Sean Kao 32 Acknowledgements Dr. Arnon Amir (IBM Almaden Research Center) Zoran Video IP team Zoran CMOS Sensor team Yoshi Watanabe Prof. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli Rong Chen