1 Pertemuan 17 Building Object Database Application Matakuliah: M0174/OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASE Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/0.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Pertemuan 17 Building Object Database Application Matakuliah: M0174/OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASE Tahun: 2005 Versi: 1/0

2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Mahasiswa dapat Menjelaskan ikatan antara programming language dengan object database (C2)Mahasiswa dapat Menjelaskan pembuatan object database application (C2)

3 Outline Materi ODL OML System interfacing Persistent programming languanges

4 ODL Object Definition Language ODL and OQL respectively can describe object database queries and interfaces to object types. However this language have limited expressiveness. For examples OQL & ODL is not computationally complete

5 ODL These limitation mean that OQL & ODL must be used in conjunction with other programming language. This is needed to implement object types & to implement computations performed by applications

6 ODL Relationship between language

7 ODL Programming Language ODL & OQL Binding –The binding associate the programming language’s elements with characteristics & properties of the object data model. –The aim of this binding is to extend a programming language such that it can also define & manipulate object databases, and can therefore be used to construct object database applications

8 ODL –A programming language ODL/OML binding extends the programming language such that it can be used to implement object database applications. –A binding may tightly or loosely couple the programming language and the object data model.

9 ODL –A tightly coupled binding is achieved by integrating the object database language into the programming language syntax, e.g, by providing a mechanism for embedding the object database language statements within programs. – a loosely coupled binding, on the other hand, doesn’t include object database language within programming language syntax. Instead database language expressions are handled as character strings to be processed by appropriate procedures when the program executed

10 ODL –In general, types within the object data model will be implemented as classes within the programming language. –Problem can occur where there are difference in the underlying object models. Example definition data binding requires some way of reconciling the fact that java allows a type to have only one supertype but the object data model allows multiple supertypes

11 OML Object Manipulations Language The language used for accessing and modifying objects in an object database Example

12 System interfacing System interfacing is the very weakest form of programming language to database system binding. A system interface supports an API which allows application programs to pass instructions to the DBMS and receive responses.

13 Persistent programming languanges Persistence programming language represent the very tightest form of programming language to database system binding. In this approach, persistence data storage facilities are integrated into the programming language

14 Persistent programming languanges The difference between programming language ODL/OML binding (previous describe), and this approach is that the former maps the programming language elements into the object data model of an ODBMS, where as a persistence programming language extends its own underlying object model to enable all object to be persistence or transient

15 Persistent programming languanges The aim is for programs to be able to define and manipulate objects, be they persistent or transient, in the same way.

16 SUMMARY The OQL and ODL must be used in conjunction with other programming language to build object database systems Programming languages are needed to program methods and application program computations