CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 1 CMPE 80N Winter 2004 Lecture 10 Introduction to Networks and the Internet
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 2 Announcements Quiz 2 on Monday, Quiz 1 statistics: –Maximum score: 70/70. –Minimum: 13/70. –Average: 50.8/70 (~70%). HTML tutorial: Friday, –In class. –By Debasree.
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 3 Announcements Studying for the quiz: –Office hours. –Discussion sessions. Always one before quiz. Next one is Friday, from 4:45-6pm in BE 354l by Kiran. Kiran will still have office hours on Monday, from 2-3pm. Newsgroup project: –Deadline for subscription to the newsgroup is this Friday, by midnight.
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 4 Wireless Networks Wireless LANs. Cellular networks. Ad hoc networks.
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 5 Cellular Architecture cell BS mobile
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 6 Frequency Reuse A B C D E F G G E F
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 7 MANETs Mobile, (wireless), multi-hop ad-hoc networks. Formed by wireless hosts which may be mobile. Without (necessarily) using a pre-existing infrastructure. Routes between nodes may potentially contain multiple hops. Mobility cause routes to change.
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 8 Multi-hop May need to traverse multiple hops to reach destination.
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 9 Why MANETs ? Ease of deployment. Speed of deployment. Decreased dependence on infrastructure.
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 10 Many Applications Personal area networking. –Cell phone, laptop, ear phone, wrist watch. Military environments. –Soldiers, tanks, planes. Civilian environments. –“Smart” environments. Emergency operations –Search-and-rescue –Policing and fire fighting –Monitoring and surveillance.
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 12 Data Link Layer Data link layer: responsible for error-free (reliable) communication between adjacent nodes. Functions: framing, error control, flow control, addressing, and medium access (in shared networks).
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 13 Framing Take data coming from the upper layers and add layer 2 control (header) information. –E.g., addressing, error control information. On the receiving end: –Take bit stream received from physical layer. –Recognize frames. Frames start and end with special characters (flags). Check if frames arrived correctly: error control. De-encapsulation.
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 14 Error Control Error-free hop-by-hop communication. Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Hop 1 Hop 2
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 15 Error Recovery Error detection versus error correction. –Additional information to detect an error occurred versus additional information to be able to detect and correct the error.
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 16 Parity Example of error detection technique. Parity bit appended to data. –Even parity: append “1” if number of “1”’s is odd. –In odd parity… How many bits in error can the parity bit detect?
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 17 Summary Layer 2: Data Link Layer. –Functions. –Layer 2 sub-layers. MAC. –Why MAC? Multiplexing techniques. –Different types of MAC protocols. Centralized versus distributed. Contention-based, round-robin, and scheduled access.
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 18 Summary (cont’d) Ethernet: –Contention-based. –Carrier sensing + collision detection + exponential backoff. –Performance. –Fairness.
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 19 Summary (cont’d) Token passing (e.g., token ring): –Round-robin. –Decentralized (versus polling which is centralized). –Special frame called token. –Performance. –Fairness.
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 20 Summary (cont’d) Local Area Networks (LANs). Topologies. Existing protocol stacks: Ethernet, token ring. Network Interface Cards (NIC). –Protocol layers it executes. –Handling data transmission/reception. LAN connections: –Network cables, adapters. LAN interconnection: –Why? –Hubs and switches.
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 21 Summary (cont’d) Wireless LANs. – –Collision avoidance. –Wireless channel contention. –Hidden and exposed terminals. Other wireless networks. –Cellular networks. Cell, frequency reuse. –Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs).
CMPE 80N - Introduction to Networks and the Internet 22 Summary (cont’d) Data link layer. –Framing. –Error control. Error detection versus error correction. Parity.