Kent State University Internal Strategy Forum Kent State University Internal Strategy Forum April 5, 2002 Action Projects Opportunities
Institutional Team Carol Cartwright Shirley Barton Valerie Brooks Karen Budd Joe Danks Laura Davis Paul Gaston Sally Kandel Terry Kuhn Sheri Stoll Trustee AQIP Strategy Forum June 5 – 8, 2002 Lisle, Illinois
Large, complex structure, public assisted Eight campuses 33,857 Students (Fall 2001) Multi-mission (Instruction/Learning, Boyer Scholarships Model: Discovery, Integration, Application, Teaching) Four Degree Levels May 4, 1970, Legacy Consultative strategic planning process (1999) Technological innovation, fiberoptic network Unique and traditional academic programs Large Residential Campus in Kent Overview
Organization Ohio Board of Regents Kent State University Board of Trustees President Provost Academic Deans Chairs & Directors VP Business and Finance VP Enrollment Management & Student Affairs VP Human Resources VP Information Services VP University Relations & Marketing
Multiple Missions Teaching/Learning Four degree levels Classroom/Distance Colleges, Schools, Departments, Campuses, and Institutes Scholarships Discovery Integration Application Teaching
Strategic Directions Nine Strategic Directions Established in 1999 Comprehensive Inclusive Planning Process 3- to 5-Year Planning Guide 1 Ensure that undergraduate and graduate education reinforce one another to create the optimal learning environment 2 Increase the university’s capacity to competitively recruit and retain students 3 Provide a learning environment that supports student success 4 Maximize the impact of Kent State’s eight-campus network by operating as one university, focused on common goals and problem solving 5 Use technology as a tool to enhance learning and university operations 6 Articulate and promote Kent State’s distinct institutional identity 7 Create an infrastructure that supports multidisciplinary teaching and research 8 Seek and develop mutually beneficial partnerships and collaborations 9 Develop multiple sources of revenue and financial support
Students Kent Campus 22,828 students 81% undergraduate 68% full-time 61% female 13% minority 26% on- campus res. ~30% off-campus res. 26% > 25 years old Regional Campuses 11,029 students 99% undergraduate 52% full-time 62% female 7% minority 0% residential 36% > 25 years old
Faculty Kent Regional Full-Time Tenure Track Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Full-Time Term 26 1 Part-Time Faculty Graduate Assistants 982 1
Competition Underfunded HE system Competitive recruitment Tuition discounting: private/public New competitors Corporate universities Internet distance education providers Student degree objectives Melded with other life’s objectives Spread across multiple institutions
Vulnerabilities We will need to select about three or four key vulnerabilities that are critical for KSU and that link to our action projects. (See page 6 of the Institutional Profile or the handout)
Opportunities We will need to select about three or four key opportunities that are critical for KSU and that link to our action projects. (See page 7 of the Institutional Profile or the handout)
Sources of Vital Few Mission/Strategic Directions (1999) AQIP Entry Assessment ( ) Institution (Sept 01 – Mar 02) Departments (Sept 01 – Jan 02) Steering Committee (Oct 01-Mar 02) Internal Strategy Forum (April 02) Strategy Forum Team (May 02)
Action Project Theme 1 Cultivate a student-centered environment for success 1 Implement comprehensive assessment of student learning 2 Increase understanding of student learning 3 Increase student retention and graduation rates 4 Develop understanding of changing student characteristics
Action Project Theme 2 Expand problem-driven agendas for teaching and research 1 Document and align faculty roles with unit missions 2 Build and maintain problem-driven research + instruction + outreach programs 3 Increase relationships with external constituencies
Action Project Theme 3 Improve efficiency and effectiveness of internal operations 1 Increase faculty and staff leadership development 2 Improve cross-divisional communication/performance 3 Increase efficiency and effectiveness 4 Redesign the university decision support system 5 Develop a continuous improvement model for student learning, strategic planning, and priority setting 6 Re-engineer business processes
Summary Suggestions and questions are invited to