Team Monte Cristo Joseph Carrafa Sharon Clark Scott Hassett Alex Mason The Deep Fried Game Station
Table of Contents Overview Functionality Block Diagram Hardware CPU and Memory Video Circuit Sound Circuit HID Software Schedule Full Schedule Milestones Division of Labor Parts Parts Lists Costs Conclusion
Overview System Functionality Prototype an arcade style game station capable of running a video game Provide audio-video output (video via Composite Video) Accept user input via button presses Program Tetris as the demonstrable video game for the game station
Features Video Game Station Capable of running any comparably sized video game Separate Video & Audio Units Button Controller Rotate, Move Left, Move Right TV Connectable Outputs the Game on any TV Tetris The Childhood favorite is back to stay
Block Diagram Data Bus MC68000 FPGA MC68000 Dual Port VRAM Composite Video Serial Port EPROM Audio Controller RAM
CPU and Memory MC68000 Large Address Space RAM 4Mb SRAM 1kb VRAM CY7C144
Video Features 1 Kilobyte of Dual-Port Video RAM 105 pixels per row at 0.5 microseconds per pixel 78 pixels per column at 6 rows per pixel Total of 8190 pixels per screen, at 8 pixels per byte CPU writes to VRAM, FPGA reads from VRAM at same time FPGA Outputs NTSC Compliant Signal Interlacing at 60Hz Blanking Syncing and Interlace Syncing Analog FPGA output eliminates need for DAC
Blanking Syncing Timing Diagram
Interlace Syncing Timing Diagram
Video Circuit I/O FPGA only reads from VRAM, never writes Reads data at the same time that MC68000 writes data
FGPA Logic Circuit - Bit Input to Row Registers Sequentially steps through VRAM automatically Shifts pixels into Row REGISTERS Loads 105 pixels at a time (one row)
FGPA Logic Circuit - Row Registers to Video Output Series of Counters Control Syncing Onboard DACs sum voltage to produce NTSC signal
Sound Features Background Music ~10 seconds Looping Triggered to start/stop by processor Uses a single ISD1212 chip Row Win Music ~3-5 seconds Processor sends address and signals chip to play End of Game Music ~5-7 seconds Processor sends address and signals chip to play Row Win music and End of Game music share an ISD1212 chip
ISD1212 Pinouts REC records when input is low PLAYE, PLAYL play when input is low When A7, A6 are low, A0-A5 act as address pins When A7, A6 are high, A0-A5 act as Operational Modes Looping Operation Mode occurs when A3 is high
A7,A6,A3 set to high to enable looping Pulsing PLAYE starts playback Pulsing PLAYL ends playback Taking PLAYE high during a playback cycle will not terminate the current cycle PLAYEPLAYL Circuit Diagram for Background Music
A7, A6 set to low to enable addressing A0-A5 determine address of music clips Processor enables Chip Select and Sends Address of sound to play Processor enables Chip Select Signal and Play Signal to play sound at that address Circuit Diagram for Row Win Music and End of Game Music
Basic Application Test and Record Circuit
ISD1212 Timing Diagrams
Design of Button Circuit
Multiple Buttons Buttons can be cascaded in this manner
Reset Circuit
Controller Mock-up Three button layout *NOTE* Sharp Edges may induce hand cramps!
Software Implement Tetris Discrete Nature Scoring More Button Functionality Inputs A button – Rotate Current Block B button – Move Left C button – Move Right
Intermediate Deadlines Milestone 1 Complete development of individual modules Get board to interface with video display device Milestone 2 Integrate modules Run test executable to demonstrate working hardware
Final Goals Expo Implement Tetris as final demonstration of functional game station. User can interface with device using HID to change the screen output Basic scoring and game rules implemented Background, Row Win and End Game Music
Division of Labor Joe Microprocessor Software Alex Video Module Sharon Sound Module Scott HID and Interface
Description Price Quantity Total Main Board: BreadboardAesthetically ChallengedFree 1$0.00 ProcessorMC68000 Free 1$0.00 EPROMFree 2 $0.00 FPGAFree 1 $0.00 MemoryDual Port CY7C144Free 1$0.00 Misc. PartsNANDS/Resistors/Capacitors/EtcFree$0.00 Video Module: Composite Video Cable$10 1$10.00 TVFree 1$0.00 Sound Module: Sound ChipISD1212 $ $9.00 MicrophoneP9931$ $1.26 Controller: Analog Buttons$ $1.74 Casing Materials$15.00 $15.00 Total:$37.00 Parts List with Costs
Conclusion Video Game Station MC68000 Processor Video Module Sound Module Controller Runs Tetris as Demonstrable Game