AdS/CFT-QCD-CMT Yi NTHU April 8 th, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

AdS/CFT-QCD-CMT Yi NTHU April 8 th, 2010

Contents D-brane (1995) AdS/CFT (1997) AdS/QCD (2004) AdS/CMT (2008)

+ + …  Perturbative Strings

Non-Perturbative Objects Solitions RR sources Ends of open strings D-branes (1995)

Branes Scenario

D3 branes and N charged D3-brane Extreme limit Near horizon

Open/Closed strings duality Open strings Closed strings

AdS/CFT in Type IIB AdS/CFT conjecture (1997) N=4 SYM in 3+1 IIB on The precise relationship (1998)


Strong/Weak duality Effective coupling: Small curvature for SG: Small coupling in SG:

Gravity/Gauge duality String theory Gauge theory IIB Strings on N=4 SYM Strings on deformed AdS strong coupling theory?

AdS/QCD (Sakai-Sugimoto Model) D4 ●●●●● D8-D8 ●●●●●●●●●

String Picture

Gravity Picture: Low T

Phase Transition

Gravity Picture: High T

QCD Phase Diagram

Baryons as Wrapped D-brane

AdS/CMT (Superconductor) Einstein-Maxwell-charged scalar Backreaction and probe Instability and symmetry breaking

Schwarzschild AdS Black Hole

Probe Fields Probe ansatz At horizon At boundary


Hairy Black Hole 3 hairs scalar hair

Conductivity Fluctuations of gauge field At boundary AdS/CFT dictionary Ohm’s law


Magnetic Field Meissner effect Type I superconductor Type II superconductor

Other models Charged dilaton black hole Chern-Simon’s term Probe D-branes String background

Summary AdS/CFT (1997) AdS/QCD (2004) AdS/CMT (2008) AdS/??? (20XX)