Literature Review: Mechanical Engineering Masters Project Linda Knaack Instructional Services Librarian
Agenda Topic? Develop strategy, search, & discuss results Why references? Work on your projects – Pick a topic – Find scholarly articles Powerpoint:
Have you identified and included a selected list of prior published work related to the topic of your proposed project?
How Did/Do You Find A Topic?
6/23/2015 Previous Engineering Project Papers In the library Don’t circulate Search catalog:Search catalog advanced keyword search search on “your keyword” and thesis in Material Type
The Open Web Intute Scirus Scitation Scitopia Google scholar Google
In Google, enter search term(s)
Try a Database or Two Remote login reminder : –Access through Cole Library homepage / proxy server – RH Username and Password: Standard format provided by TISTIS
Topic: Failure of superalloy components in aerospace systems due to fretting
Your Mission: Find two articles on the topic: Failure of superalloy components in aerospace systems due to fretting One article from a database of your choice One article from the open web Work in pairs (keep track of process) One person reports on results
1. State topic in a sentence: Superalloy components in aerospace systems often fail due to fretting fatigue. 2. Identify key concepts
Search Strategy aircraftsuperalloy components fretting aerospacecomponentcorrosion componentscorrode corrodes corroding (aerospace OR aircraft) AND component* AND fretting
Article Databases Online access to full-text American Society of Mechanical Engineers' (ASME) journals. CSA - Citations and abstracts in mechanical engineering, materials science and aerospace. Engineering Village 2 (Inspec, Compendex) Citations and abstracts (no full text) in physics and engineering. Comprehensive engineering coverage. Wide range of journals published by the Institute of Physics (IOP). Included are current issues and archives. Comprehensive coverage of literature across all fields of science. Scientific, technical and medical information. Full text articles and abstracts.
The Open Web Intute Scirus Scitation Scitopia Google scholar Google
Source Documentation Cite sources whenever you are quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing work that is not your own Why References? Sources include: –Books –Journal, magazine, or newspaper articles –Interviews –Conference Proceedings –Lectures
Why Cite? Citing: Shows your credibility as a researcher Gives proper credit to authors and researchers Protects you from accusations of plagiarism “plagiarist” by the mad LOLscientist,
Source Documentation Use Chicago Style or other specified format for documentation Check online for style guides – –IEEE Computer Society Style GuideIEEE Computer Society Style Guide –IEEE Referencing StyleIEEE Referencing Style
Fifth floor Website: Reference: Telephone: Toll-free: ext.2490 Library Contact Information
Questions? Evaluations