Employee Recognition: Tips & Techniques Tim Kennedy, Building Automation Systems Supervisor Jaime Tache, Recognition/Retention Program Coordinator Performance Management & Recognition VOICES Network Team
Agenda Why Recognize? How does this Impact the Bottom Line? What Can Managers Do? What Programs are Already in Place at U-M? How Can I Make This Happen in my Department? Plant Operations Case Study
Why Recognize? According to a recent Maritz Research Poll: “Two of the most pressing concerns for companies today are reducing employee turnover and becoming an ‘employer of choice’ because they both impact the bottom line.” “The cost of turnover may be as much as one and a half times an employee’s first year salary. In addition, by becoming an employer of choice, a company attracts a more talented, productive pool of workers.”
How Does this Impact the Bottom Line? Employees who were satisfied with their company’s recognition programs were: Significantly more satisfied with their jobs Customer Service More likely to remain with the company Retention More likely to recommend their workplace to others Recruitment More likely to invest in their company Productivity Feel more valued as an employee Engagement
What Can Managers Do? Some tips managers can use to ensure their employees feel valued: Offer Employee Reward Options 64% of employees think their company needs to offer a greater choice of rewards in recognition efforts
What Can Managers Do? Identify What’s Meaningful To Your Employees Public or Private Praise? From whom – management or peers? What type of reward best motivates them? Check in periodically to make sure recognition efforts are hitting the mark.
What Can Managers Do? Keep Recognition Programs Fresh 60% of employees agree that their company needs to refresh its employee recognition efforts by offering new and different awards. Involving people from different levels and different parts of the company on an advisory council is one way to bring new ideas and enthusiasm.
What Can Managers Do? Recognize All Levels of Employees Sometimes certain positions are recognized, while others are ignored. Make sure that management recognizes the importance of everyone’s contributions.
What Can Managers Do? Make Sure Recognition is Given Consistently Employees become cynical with each ‘program of the month’ that comes and goes. Consider 1-2 core programs that deliver consistency but rotate different short term programs and events that reinforce the core programs to address current business needs and trends.
What Can Managers Do? Develop a Peer-Recognition Program While peer-to-peer recognition may not be as powerful as management recognition, it helps build a strong work culture. Peers work more productively with one another when they sense sincere appreciation from their colleagues for their contributions.
Current Recognition Programs U-M Hospital & Health Centers Formal Recognition Shining Star Awards You’re Super Awards Gifts of Art Employee Awards Safety Management Academy Awards M-Fit Wellness Champion Awards Length of Service Awards Holiday Coupon Program Employee Suggestion Program Quarterly Employee Recognition Reception Quality Month
Current Recognition Programs U-M Campus Formal Recognition The Service Award Program Maize and Blue Community Awards Workplace Awards Candace J. Johnson Staff Award for Excellence UMatter! Staff Recognition Program
Future Efforts through VOICES VOICES Rewards & Recognition Team Charge: To examine the selected topic of Rewards & Recognition by: Identifying best practice reward programs that can be used to provide additional value-added options for employees Evaluate options for recognition strategies that can be implemented on an organization-wide basis Identify best practices and supervisor/manager education or tools to integrate recognition into daily work life
How Can I Make this Happen in My Department? Tools Recognition from A to Z Employee Recognition On the Spot Employee Recognition Inventory Manager’s Recognition Toolkit Budget Discussions with Employees
Plant Ops – A Case Study Plant Operations: Roughly 1400 employees, seven divisions, 3 labor agreements….. The questions we asked…… What do you want to be recognized for? Who do you want to be recognized by? How do you want to be recognized?
C.A.R.E Program (Congratulating and Recognizing Efforts) The C.A.R.E. Team began as an initiative by the Director of Plant Operations and the Lead Team (composed of department managers) to create a program to encourage excellence among Plant Operations employees. Each of the departments on Plant Operations is represented on the C.A.R.E. Team.
C.A.R.E Team Members Valerie Amo – Facilities Maintenance John Gleason – Building Services Tim Kennedy – Facilities Maintenance Mary Nix – Grounds Lisa Sheldon – Utilities and Plant Engineering Pam Smith – Administrative Support Alan Stevens – Work Control Anna Tobias – Building Services
C.A.R.E Team Mission To create and administer a variety of recognition programs designed to validate the contributions of Plant Operations Division employees, and support the Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles of the Organization.
C.A.R.E Team Vision Create incentives that improve the service provided to Plant Operations customers. Provide recognition that encourages creativity and innovation in the work place. Develop programs that recognize employees whose actions demonstrate the guiding principles of respect for people, and personal/professional integrity. Reward employees who model service to each other.
Silver Arrow Award Plant Operations values employees who exceed the expectations of our customers, both internal and external. The Silver Arrow Award recognizes employees whose service helps to advance the efforts of the Plant Division to remain our customer's provider of choice. Employees may be nominated for a Silver Arrow Award several times, but are limited to two (2) award coupons per year.
ideas 20/20 Award Input from the employees performing the work is a valuable aspect of an empowered work environment. The ideas 20/20 innovation award recognizes staff who provide realistic, feasible suggestions that benefit Plant Operations.
Attendance Awards These awards encourage Plant Operations’ employees to value a commitment to perfect attendance. This award is given to those individuals who demonstrate their commitment to the Division by maintaining perfect attendance.
Attendance Award Criteria An Attendance Achievement Award is given to employees who do not miss work for the following reasons from May through October, or November through April. Excused Time – No Pay Workers Comp Claims Leaves of Absence Preventative Dental Family Care Unexcused Absences Sick Time Disciplinary Layoff Preventative Medical Lost Time due to On the Job Accidents
Attendance Award Exemptions The following items are exempt from the criteria: Funeral Leave Civic duty Military Duty Educational/Training Approved Vacation time
Director’s Award for Meritorious Service Outstanding Plant Operations employees may be recognized for their Performance, Participation and Contribution to the University by any University faculty, staff, students or guests. Recipients will be chosen at the discretion of the Director of Plant Operations.
Procedures for All Awards The C.A.R.E. Program is based on the awarding of coupons as recognition to employees. These coupons can be redeemed for awards of your choosing. Each Plant Employee will receive an awards program catalog. Each coupon is worth a set number of points, and coupons can be collected to increase point total. For example: 1 coupon = 280 points 2 coupons = 560 points
Is It Perfect…? Suggestions require investigation Tracking issues Verification Administration
It’s Ongoing… New redemption process Reduction of administrative overhead New Awards Improved data collection Automate criteria tracking Award tracking
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