AFP STATUS REPORT – WHERE ARE WE ???? Steve Watts We have spent the last year being reviewed. Decision and letter from ATLAS EB November Proceed to Technical Proposal by end of Earliest for TP-> TDR decision is end Then LHCC….. HIGHLIGHTS OF YEAR Physics case. A lot of work by all and this is now much improved. BSM Higgs QN + Anomalous Couplings + QCD Studies Importance of trigger at 220 for Higgs to bb. BSM possible. Importance of L1 ECAL Upgrade for topological selection. Federico saved the day. Collimators at 220. This will be on-going as the LHC collimator system design is finished and implemented. Change to tracker design. Use FE-I4 as in IBL. Means a lot of development work. But many advantages ( e.g. rad. hardness) AND…..common 220/420 design Detailed plan to solve MCP/PMT lifetime issue. Lot of progress on transferring 3D sensor technology to industry. CMS design too!
2000 Durham IPPP Khoze, Martin, Ryskin (KMR): Exclusive Higgs prediction Eur.Phys.J.C14: ,2000, hep-ph/ Manchester Christmas meetings – supported by IPPP To develop interest in joint CMS/ATLAS work. FP420 R&D collaboration forms. Meeting continues – next is December FP420 LOI presented to LHCC CERN-LHCC “LHCC acknowledges the scientific merit of the FP420 physics programme and the interest in exploring its feasibility” Significant STFC R&D funding in UK for FP420. Funding in U.S. and other countries, major technical progress. RP220 formed 2008 RP220 and AFP420 merge to form AFP, R&D continues, Cryostat design finalized with CERN, LOI to ATLAS submitted 2009 “AFP year in review”, FP420 R&D document published “The FP420 R&D Project: Higgs and New Physics with Forward Protons at the LHC,” FP420 Collaboration, arXiv: v2, published in J. Inst.: 2009_JINST_4_T10001.
Overview of AFP Physics - Plenty of diffractive events (SD and DPE) Physics programme in QCD and photoproduction. Two exciting new physics production processes Central Exclusive Production (CEP) Khoze, Martin and Ryskin. and using the LHC as a photon-photon collider – photon-photon physics Quantum number selection rule. High precision mass measurement independent of decay channel See few events => J PC = 0 ++ Production very large. Well known cross sections for SM and BSM processes: SUSY production and anomalous couplings cf. High energy photon collisions at the LHC – CERN April 2008 CDF arXiv
AFP and ATLAS Two stations at 220 and 420m to detect leading protons, integrated into the LHC High precision mass spectrometer using the LHC 70 – 1400 GeV/c m 28 7x8 mm 2 sensors per tracking station 4 stations required. or 14 FE-I4 sensors 220m 14 FE-I4 sensors or 60 FE-I3 sensors
THE KEY PLOT FOR AFP NEED STATIONS AT 220 and 420 for the physics programme.
Array of rad-hard active edge 3D silicon detectors with resolution ~10 m/plane and 1 rad angular resolution. 3D technology development which is also ATLAS R&D Project Timing detectors with ~10 ps resolution for overlap background rejection. Developed by FP420 and R&D on-going. New Connection Cryostat at 420m – conceptual design developed by FP420 R&D with CERN. “Hamburg Beam Pipe” - Similar idea to Roman Pots but better suited to this experiment. WHAT DETECTOR SYSTEM DO YOU NEED TO DO THIS PHYSICS ??? Edge response with tracks < 4 m beam
New FE-I4 –Pixel size = 250 x 50 µm 2 –Pixels = 80 x 336 –Technology = 0.13µm –Power = 0.5 W/cm 2 FE-I4 Design Status –Contribution from 5 laboratories. –Main blocks MPW submitted in Spring –Full FE-I4 Review: 2/3/3009 –Submission in Summer 2009 –Expect IBL modules late mm 8mmactive 2.8mm FE-I3 74% 20.2mm active 16.8mm ~2mm ~200 μ m FE-I4 ~89% Chartered reticule (24 x 32) IBM reticule ~19 mm FE-I3 - lifetime issue – can get three years if move system in y Use FE-I4. Factor 5 more radiation tolerant than FE-I3. For IBL project Plus - better matched to track hit distribution at Common module design for 220 and x Fe-I4 each plane NO MCC !!!!!!!!!!!
Radiation dose close to beam at L = cm -2 s -1 is protons cm -2 per year ( 30 MRad) 3D sensor is good to protons cm -2, but FE-I3 tolerance is much less ( MRad) FE-I4 – At 220 m need two FE-I4 sensors per layer rather then six FE-I3. (two FE-I4 sensors at 420m also) FE-I4 – more radiation hard than FE-I3. By moving in Y can get ten years operation at Conclusion: Go for FE-I4 sensors as baseline with FE-I3 as fallback. Allows same design of 220 and 420 trackers.
proton photons top view 1.5 mm fibers side view 0.1 mm fibers Quartz fibers either 1.5 mm or 0.1 mm depending on desired bins. Cerenkov light goes to microchannel plate PMT indicating proton pased through detector (distance from beam correlated to mass) 9 ~50 pe’s A =216 m B =224 m or both at 216 m or 224 m Andrew Brandt, Jim Pinfold, Scott Kolya………
Readout Electronics 6/22/2009AFP Physics Meeting Andrew Brandt10
L1 Proton Trigger Time to CTP YABCDEFG Particle hits Detector (at 224m) Output from Amplifier Input to CFD & Logic Input to Serilaizer Output to Cable (1 st bit) In from Cable (1 st bit) Output from DeSerializer (strobed) Input to CTP_IN Dedicated Cable(s) Serial bits 800Mb/s Serial bits 1.6Gb/s Alfa TDR (Comparison) /22/2009AFP Physics Meeting Andrew Brandt11 Baseline Design with a few mass bins is within the time budget
What do we have to do ?? Finish R&D. FE-I4 based tracker. (benefits from Pixel R&D). Build a pre-production Hamburg Pipe and tracker. Start production – delay as need TP/TDR approval 2010 Design and build of pre-production Hamburg Pipe. Complete R&D required to finalise the Tracker Design. Safety Review and Radiation Review. AFP Technical Report submitted to ATLAS by end of Bump bond sensors for pre-production tracker. Install cables during 2011 LHC shutdown. Install Hamburg Pipe at 220 m with background monitoring detectors. Build and test the pre-production tracker and assemble with a Hamburg pipe and 8 metre prototype. 2012/13 Beam test and commissioning of pre-production system. Finish by early /14 Build, install and commission trackers and full systems.
FE-I4 Schedule 3D sensor schedule IBL and AFP AFP Tracker schedule 220/420 AFP Detector assembly + test Overview of FE-I4, sensor and AFP tracker and detector schedule 2010 to Early We also assume staged installation.
Sequence of build would be as described. Key Point – phased installation of 220 and 420 detectors to deliver physics as soon as possible and commission key systems. ATLAS 420 L (2) 220 L (2) 220 R (2)420 R (2) 8 stations to build, test, install and commission Each station ( HP + Tracker + Timing + BPM + Wire Alignment) would be tested and internally aligned on a test beam at CERN. This could easily be 1 week to 4 weeks each !
In UK have applied for funding for…. Hamburg Pipe. Help complete the design and build it. How can we help CERN. Need system engineering so we integrate our detector with the Hamburg Pipe R&D for FE-I4 sensor and FE-I4 Tracker. Build a pre-production system, commission and test. System Engineering support from RAL. Must have system drawings. ( GT will join us – if we get the funding). FUNDING IN UK IS VERY TIGHT. WILL NOT KNOW UNTIL April MUCH CAN BE DONE ON PAPER. BUT NEED PRE-PRODUCTION OR WE LOSE ANOTHER 1-2 YEARS. e.g. Safety Review. ( Independent Chair) Radiation Review. Combine with Safety Review. This can be a joint CMS/ATLAS Exercise.
OTHER TECHNICAL ISSUES……………………. Cooling system that works in the tunnel Reference Timing System Lifetime of the phototubes General radiation tolerance of systems. The tracker is radiation hard but needs external services. The timing detector electronics. LV/HV systems. Follow on work of Henning in FP420 report