The Shared Cataloging Program: Tapping the Well of Collaborative Cataloging a presentation for the East Asian Academic Librarians of California October 7, 2005 by Adolfo R. Tarango CJK, Serials, and Shared Cataloging Program Division Head, UCSD
Overview Structure and Organization Structure and Organization Program Objectives Program Objectives Standard Operations Standard Operations Current CJK Cataloging Activities Current CJK Cataloging Activities Tapping the Well Tapping the Well
Structure and Organization Director for Licensed Content CDL Acquisitions Unit Reports to SCP Unit Cataloging Priorities & Resource Allocations SCP Advisory Committee Select Campus Participants HOTS Consults with Cataloging Policy Reports to ETL Processing Coordinates with Acquisitions Priorities, Resource Allocations, and Purchase Authorizations
Objectives Provide access to Tier 1 and Tier 2 resources Provide access to Tier 1 and Tier 2 resources Create quality bibliographic records in the most efficient and practical manner Create quality bibliographic records in the most efficient and practical manner Monitor and maintain ongoing access Monitor and maintain ongoing access
Standard Operations Resource identified for acquisitions Resource identified for acquisitions Cataloging analysis and treatment decision Cataloging analysis and treatment decision Cataloging preformed Cataloging preformed Records distributed Records distributed Ongoing maintenance Ongoing maintenance
Current CJK Cataloging Activities Chinese Chinese –China Academic Journals –Siku quanshu –Sibu congkan –Superstar –People’s daily Japanese Japanese –J-Stage (Open access) –JapanKnowledge –MagazinePlus
Tapping the Well Identify cataloging needs of CJK users Identify cataloging needs of CJK users Organize requests, present to JSC Organize requests, present to JSC Support resource allocations for the SCP Support resource allocations for the SCP Let your users drink of the well Let your users drink of the well