ENDRIN Kevin McPeck Cal State University Long Beach Aquatic Toxicology Dr. Mason
Physical and Chemical Properties White, Odorless, Crystalline Solid Molecular Formula C 12 H 8 Cl 6 O Melting Pt °C Boiling Pt 245°C Solubility in water Practically insoluble Partition Coefficient Log K ow = 5.34 Structure
Uses, Application, Production History Production began in the 50’s & use declined around the early 70’s Severe restrictions on its use and is banned in many countries In U.S., Vesicol Chemical Co. was last to abandon production in 1991 Commercial availability: Type of Products Dust, Granules, Paste, Emulsifiable concentrate Product Names Mendrin, Hexadrin, Endrex, Nendrin Organochloride Insecticide Used on: Mainly on cotton Rice, sugar cane, and maize Also used as a rodenticide and avicide One of the most hazardous compounds (top 10%)
Chemical Reactivity with Water, Chemical Speciation, Physical Half-Life Solubility is extremely low (0.2 mg/L) Quickly absorbs to sediment Half Life (soils) - up to 12 years Endrin aldehyde and endrin ketone Occur as impurities of endrin or as the result of degradation Known to photodegrade to delta-ketoendrin Half-Life ~7days Degraded at greater levels than dieldrin, aldrin
Mode of Entry to Aquatic Environment Major Source of input is due to RUN-OFF Effectively remains in soils that are high in organic content Minor Entry Modes Ariel application in areas near major water sources (no longer a problem) Improper waste management / spillage
Toxicity to Aquatic Life Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) ~ 1,335-10,000 in fish ~ shellfish ~ 49,000 snail 96-hr LC50 for fish, marine inverts, phytoplankton < 1.0g/L LOEC for mysid shrimp 30 ng/L
Mode of Entry into Organism Fish Direct Contact through gills and other exposed membranes if in areas of high run-off Filter Feeders Consumption due to binding affinity high concentrations exist in soil and particulate matter Benthic Organisms Direct ContactInverts readily take up endrin
Toxic Effects DEATH!!! Endocrine disruption Increase PKC activity PKC linked to cell adhesion, cell transformation Inhibit cell communication Mimics epithelial growth factor genes Growth factor vs. cell differentiation
Molecular Mode of Toxic Interaction CYP450 Monooxygenase Reaction CYP26A1 CYP2B6 - All Increase in expression of gene CYP3A4 CEBPA – CCAAT/enhancer binding protein Decreases activity in mice ESR1- estrogen recptor Increased activity in humans
Biochemical Metabolism and Breakdown Animals rapidly metabolize endrin Relatively low accumulation in fats (compared to similar structures dieldrin, aldrin) Major of metabolism occurs at the methlyene bridge Becomes
References IPCS International Program on Chemical Safety Health and Safety Guide No Toxicological Profile for Endrin. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Technical Factsheet on: Endrin. US EPA. Chemical: Endrin. Comparative Toxicogenomics Database 2A01BF1E1?type=chem&acc=D004732&view=ixn#g A01BF1E1?type=chem&acc=D004732&view=ixn#g Guidelines for managing water quality impacts within UK European marine sites Public Health Goal for Endrin In Drinking Water. CA EPA.