The Wisconsin Way Inventing Coordination Through Creativity, Flexibility, and Risk-Taking Bobbie Beson-Crone Human Services Transportation Coordination Program Manager Wisconsin Department of Transportation
18 th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation WisDOT 2 Rural vs. Urban Counties 52 rural (non- metro) counties 20 urban (metro) counties
18 th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation WisDOT 3 Wisconsin Public Transit Transit in 54 of 72 counties, 5 reservations Over 75% served by transit, including paratransit A significant amount of service, too many gaps
18 th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation WisDOT 4 9 RPC’s 13 MPO’s Wisconsin RPC’s & MPO’s
18 th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation WisDOT Coordination Planning Process RPC planners conducted county meetings Used UWR:Framework for Action WisDOT provided: Orientation & training for planners A toolkit for planners Admin fiscal support for meetings
18 th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation WisDOT Process: Lessons Learned Non-traditional stakeholders Inventory of resources/ providers New county relationships Education & awareness of available funding >50% “did nothing” beyond ’06 meeting No ownership by County Reverted to old “TCC” membership
18 th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation WisDOT County Plans 11 Priorities 1. Transportation Coordination Committee Membership 2. Transportation and/or Mobility Manager 3. Increase volunteers 4. Communication Education & Marketing 5. Inter-County and Regional Coordination 6. Expanded Service 7. Technology: Centralized Dispatch, Scheduling & Financial Tracking 8. Assessment: Inventory of Capital, Vehicles, Providers & Service 9. Grants & Funding Sources 10. Customer Service: Opinion & Satisfaction Surveys 11. Increase Rural Transportation Service & Strategies
18 th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation WisDOT 8 Wisconsin Model of Coordination ICTC hired National Consultant 4 objectives: Assess state agencies Assess 8 counties 2 mini-regions Compare WI to 8 similar states Develop model with implementation strategies
18 th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation WisDOT Coordination Planning Process Developed by RPC planner/WisDOT work group Focus on: “Buy-in”/plan ownership Multi-county & regional planning Strategies in Plans Flexibility in coordination plan development New toolkit, meeting planner/owner focus
18 th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation WisDOT Planning Process: WisDOT & RPC Role WisDOT: Facilitated RPC/WisDOT workgroup Developed Toolkit for Meeting Coordinators & plan owners Orientation on Toolkit and 2008 process Doubled admin. fiscal support RPC’s: Consultant’s to process Communicated new process to “local” entities Provided demographic info. and mapping Facilitated multi- county/regional meetings
18 th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation WisDOT Planning Process: Plan Requirements Required Plan Components: Assessment of existing service Assessment of transit needs Assessment of transit gaps Strategies in Plan to remedy needs & gaps
18 th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation WisDOT Grant Applications
18 th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation WisDOT Multi-County/Regional Planning
18 th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation WisDOT 14 Mobility Management Training Program Focus of New Freedom funds Co-funded with DVR Federal transportation grants currently fund 26 mobility managers Formal 9 mo. training program: Communication for shared learning Forum for Wisconsin based best practices
18 th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation WisDOT 15 What’s next? ICTC’s Report to the Governor Executive Order for formalized basis for ICTC: Dedicate staff position & admin support Dept. secretaries are responsible for coordination in/between agencies Formalize SAC Charge ICTC with making policy recommendations to implement WI Model of Coordination Develop pilot projects to test regional coordinated Medicaid and HST networks
18 th National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation WisDOT 16 WisDOT Web Links: Transportation Coordination: Coordination Toolkit: Wisconsin Transportation Coordination Model: Further info. contact: Bobbie Beson-Crone, ;