Budget Planning Update Cambrian School District January 26, 2010
Process to Date Budget Information Committee Meetings Presentations at all schools and all district staff Work with district leadership Board Workshop
Unprecedented Times Worst Economic Situation since the Great Depression There is no immediate end in site Districts across the state having to make similar decisions Plan for the worst, and hope for the best These are not easy choices – we value our staff and our programs We have to be fiscally responsible for our district’s future
Planning for Governor’s Proposal Negative COLA Continued reduction of $ per ADA Stimulus money One time money Target - $3.2 to $3.5 million
Potential Reductions/Savings ItemSavings K-3 Class size to 24$560,000 K-3 class size to 25$590,000 K-3 Class size to 26$744,000 K-3 Class size to 27$914,000 K-3 Class size to 28$1,085,000 K-3 Class size to 29$1,256,000 4 th -8 th grade staff to 29 to 1$513,000
Potential Reductions/Savings ItemSavings Home to School Transportation$100,000 Decrease Site Discretionary Budgets$35,000 Increase Sports Donations$23,000 Summer School$40,000 Other Staffing Reductions $350,000
Potential Reductions/Savings Negotiated Furlough Days across all units per day$88,000 Salary reduction across all units per 1%$178,000
Possible Revenue Enhancements Parcel Tax Increase student daily attendance Solar Energy Audit/Conservation
Next Steps Continued input Continued information gathering Decision cannot be made by committee
Timeline Month/YearActivitiesResponsibility February 2010 Begin Negotiation Process Human Resources March 15, 2010 Second Interim Report Issue potential layoff notices – certificated CFO Human Resources April 2010 Issue layoff notices – classified Human Resources May 15, 2010 Issue Final Layoff Notice Human Resources May 2010 Governor’s May Revision CFO June 2010 Adopt Budget with reductions Board June-August 2010 Bring back positions as possible Superintendent Human Resources July 2010 ?State Budget adoptedCFO