Classroom Rules Rm.24, Mrs. Kent
Questions for Students Why do we need rules for behavior in the classroom? Who benefits from following class rules? What are some good rules for behavior in class?
Mrs. Kent’s Classroom Rules & Accountability
1.Arrive on time and be prepared.
2. Be respectful and polite to everyone. please Than k you We can shar e You’re welcome Excuse me May I?
3. Listen quietly while others are speaking.
4. Obey all school rules.
5. Always do your best!
My contract with you… Superstars are students who follow class rules. I will keep daily lists of Superstars on the front board. Students who become Superstars will win a spot in the weekly drawing. Students who break the class rules will get their name put on the “What did I do?” list on the front board as a warning. If you get a check next to your name, you loose a privilege. Continued problems will require a contract between me, you and your parents.