Quantum Test Programme Roberto Sabatino DANTE Cambridge, UK 9 November
Quantum Test Programme Part of the QUANTUM project build the successor to TEN-34: TEN-155 not just “more capacity” Managed Bandwidth Service (MBS) introduce advanced networking technologies
155 Mbps 34/45 Mbps 10 Mbps September 1998 Planned Topology USA Planned Nov. 99
TEN-155 initial service Standard best effort IP service no guarantees no native multicast… but a lot of bandwidth, compared to TEN-34 Not enough, EC funding requires introduction of advanced network services These need to be tested first, and then deployed
TEN-155 advanced services How to test advanced network (IP and ATM) services? Lab. tests are not sufficient, need to evaluate on large international networks, in an interdomain environment Tests should not interfere with production network Allocate bandwidth and create VPNs
MBS Set up VPNs to be used by NRNs research collaborations QTP use of ATM Operational procedures under definition first users: ERCIM, Dec. 98 then QTP (Jan./Feb. 99)
How to provide MBS: PoP setup
Goals of QTP Evaluate advanced networking technology and deploy on production network IPv6 Multicast IP QoS diff-serv rsvp MPLS ATM signalling
Goals of QTP (cont) Other QoS monitoring (ippm, rtfm, other?) Route monitoring Policy control All technologies work to some extent in lab and intra-domain environments What about WAN and interdomain? Main goal of QTP
TF-TANT Joint DANTE/TERENA task force that will do the work (formely known as TF-TEN) Chaired by DANTE (Christoph Graf) Secreterial work by TERENA Same group will carry out work under TERENA WG-LLT Open group vendor involvement is encouraged (telebit, cisco, ibm, ascend, bt?, others?)
Status of QTP 1st meeting held Nov. 5, in Cambridge list of experiments has been defined experiment leaders and participants have been nominated To Do: specify in more detail the experiments define requirements (bw, hardware requirements) specify a project plan meet again end of Jan. 99 to plan activities …evaluate and plan deployment on production network
Current list IP and ATM multicast (Robert Stoy) Diff. Services (Tiziana Ferrari) RSVP (Simon Leinen) RSVP to ATM SVC mapping (Tiziana Ferrari) IPv6 (Simon Mybroe) MPLS (Jean-Marc Uze’) Policy Control (Victor Reijs) ATM signalling (Guenther Schmittner) MBS performance/quality measurement (DANTE) QoS measurment (Tiziana Ferrari) VPNs, WDM (Victor Reijs)
Mail, Web information The co-ordinator of QTP: Informational Web pages at Mail list: will become to subscribe: