310KM Mobile Commerce Applications Group Members: Cheung Wing Chun Leung Ming Fung Real Estate Agents Wireless Application
Content and Services The background description about the company The contact info. All the housing info.,integrated neighborhood, demographic, and housing statistics and property price. Search engine search by all fields Tenant info. Authorization encryption the security
Content and Services The photo of housing mapping and environment Search System for Land Records Multi-Media system to view housing devices and entertainment Sending the upgrade selling info. User friendly interface
Prioritization matrix Feature/S ervice DetailsUsabi lity(0 to 5) Up-sell Revenue (0 to 5) Competitiv e necessity(0 to 5) Total Score(0 to 15) Property search by all fields User can enter any words to search the housing info. price Housing review Photos and video to describe the housing devices and environment 4048 User friendly interface good design that allow users to change the style and color 3036 Messaging system For agents and internal communication and suggestion 2013
Platform and Development tools It can move on iPhone OS, Window Mobile OS, Android OS and Blackberry OS. Can be written in xML and java language Software used: J2ME (Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition) IDEs SmartBear Software
Database Oracle high data security easy to use Time to run first query all the information about the building price, location and detail description and all customers and agents information will be included
User Interface Interface size should be fixed for all types of devices Icon/color keys for improved efficiency Status icon Calendar view Office Site Tree - list of agents by office, used for agent assignment more pictures and video Allow users change the style and color they want
Special feature Mortgage calculate the load finance The News and Advertisement Sequencing the housing by price, size and so on. Analysing the property market
Limitations to consider Time time to open the application time to load the photo and video Traffic busy traffic report Size font size interface size Security
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