1 Battling the Blues Presented by CIGNA Employee Assistance Program Copyright 2008 CIGNA HealthCare – Confidential & Privileged – Not for Distribution.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Battling the Blues Presented by CIGNA Employee Assistance Program Copyright 2008 CIGNA HealthCare – Confidential & Privileged – Not for Distribution

2 Seminar Goals Know the definition, signs and symptoms of depression Effects on workplace, children and family Obstacles to seeking help Treatments for depression How to talk to a depressed person about getting help

3 What is Depression? Definition of depression Types of depression

4 Signs and Symptoms of Depression Sadness Feelings of extreme guilt Suicidal ideas Insomnia Diminished interest in activities Difficulty concentrating Anxiety Appetite changes Weight changes Irritability Mood swings Distorted thinking Low self-esteem Feelings of hopelessness Exhaustion Feelings of helplessness Agitation Social withdrawal Indecisiveness Decreased sexual interest

5 Effects of Depression in the Workplace Decreased productivity Morale problems Lack of cooperation Safety problems, accidents Absenteeism Frequent complaints of being tired all the time Complaints of unexplained aches and pains Alcohol and drug abuse

6 Effects of Depression on Children and Family A parent with depression: Shows less warmth toward children Is less involved with them Provides less guidance and supervision Is less nurturing Is more likely to have marriage conflicts

7 Effects of Depression on Children and Family (cont.) The child: Learns to interpret the world as a negative place Has a negative role model Has lower self-esteem Is more easily influenced by peers

8 Obstacles to Seeking Treatment Embarrassment, stigma of mental illness: “Only crazy people go to shrinks.” Belief that depression is a personal weakness: “I just need to buckle down and deal with it.” Worry that “It costs too much,” or “I don’t have time.” Belief that treatment won’t help Feeling that “I don’t deserve help.” Inability to take action (severe depression)

9 Treatments for Depression Inpatient If danger to self or others Should include both medication and psychotherapy Outpatient Psychotherapy – talk therapy, one-to-one, group and/or marital Medication

10 Need to be aware of dual diagnosis e.g. alcohol/drugs and depression About 80% recover with appropriate treatment Improvement usually seen in weeks Treatments for Depression (cont.)

11 What Can a Supervisor Do? Learn about depression Know where to get help Recognize signs that may be depression- related Discuss changes in work performance and listen to concerns Don’t diagnose the problem

12 What Can a Supervisor Do? (continued) Recommend professional consultation Tell employee about EAP Be flexible to accommodate treatment Take comments about suicide seriously and consult with the EAP yourself

13 How to Talk to a Depressed Partner, Friend or Co-worker About Seeking Help Say “You don’t have to feel that way. There are effective treatments.” Offer to research benefits coverage and how it works (e.g. prior authorization). Offer to find a provider; schedule or take him or her to an appointment. Help get a prescription filled. Encourage staying in treatment and/or continuing to take medication. If person is suicidal, call the therapist or local mental health emergency services.