1 Supporting Research on Today’s Optical Network Infrastructure Presented by Jerry Keith Director of Communications University of California, Riverside UCCS Aug. 2, 2004
2 The Story of the Trailer The Call The Visits Another Call New Information Visit Again What We Did
3 The Call –One hot customer – had talked to a number of people, not satisfied –Well punctuated conversation –By the end of the conversation I knew exactly how important this project was
4 The Visits Visit from desktop staff Visit from network staff Actual hubs, put together locally –They asserted it had been working fine Theory of virus attack –There really was one, we cured it We relaxed – problem solved
5 Another Call Different PI More facts, specific scenarios The person made sense The virus had not been the problem It was time for another visit
6 Visit Again Asked staff to return and look again We sent a multidiscipline team Looked farther afield Found additional facts
7 New Information –Local copper T1 on less than Cat 3 –Shared a small router with all other T1’s –Interference from large, multi-day transfer into off-campus site –Researchers had moved their two projects voluntarily to facilitate function in their home department
8 What We Did & Are Doing –Installed a Wireless hop and new switch gear to improve the local situation –Moving the off campus facility with heavy traffic to dark fiber we are leasing from the City of Riverside –Move this project’s servers to an on- campus site with good connectivity
9 The Story of the Trailer - Findings Wrong place –Temporary facilities—no fiber planned –Nearly impossible to upgrade the copper path Wrong technology –T1 not Ethernet –Antiquated router, OK for low use T1s Wrong network assumptions –PIs assumed they could move anywhere on campus and have service Wrong support structure –Sent one discipline at a time –No formal mechanism to get wider set of expertise on the problem quickly Wrong planning –Could say, they should have asked us –Our business is research, their processing must work –We believe that we must be proactive in this arena
10 The Story of the Trailer All was well until the Research units moved in: – worked –Web surfing worked –Administrative applications also
11 Research & Systems The relationship between research and systems is different than a few years ago: –more emphasis on computing and communications, joint or matrixed computing efforts are common –This essential because it would take lifetimes to analyze some data sets without improved technology
12 Research & Systems Faster More powerful –Grid computing at many levels –E.g. Teragrid Computing
13 Research & Systems Faster More Capacity Relatively Cheaper Transmission alternatives – WDM Can be structured for specific purposes Networks
14 The CalREN Network CENICExperimentalNetwork CENIC High PerformanceResearchNetwork CENIC Digital CaliforniaNetwork CalREN XP CalREN HPR CalREN DC The CalREN network has three distinct service structures to support day to day requirements as well as research needs.
15 CalREN Structure The CalREN backbone is based on dark fiber optic lines throughout the state Each network runs on its own wavelength or color of light The technology is called DWDM or Dense Wave Division Multiplexing It is very cost effective to expand this type of network either for more speed or to add additional networks. The next slide depicts this schematically ----
16 CalREN DC/HPR/NLR PoP Architecture Long Haul OC48/OC192/10GigE DWDM Gig E 10 Gig E or OC192 CalREN DC HPR CalREN DC & HPR NLR Existing 7500 Campus or Metro Interconnect One of above options used for Each campus CalREN/DC HPR NLR Experimental 10Gig E Gig E
17 CalREN Backbone Topology Nat. Lambda Rail 10G Tier 2 10G Tier 3 2.5G Metro ring dark fiber (Tiers 2 and 3) Chico San Diego Sacramento Stockton/ Modesto PAIX-Palo Alto Bakersfield Fresno San Luis Obispo Los Angeles Santa Barbara Salinas Anaheim SF Emeryville SDSC Portland Seattle WestEdSanta Ana Sunnyvale 8 Nov 2001 UCSC UCSB CPSLO UCM A Statewide View of the CalREN Backbone
18 Campus Connections The next slide shows the campus connections Each Campus has two separate connections to CalREN HPR and to CalREN DC Each campus can reflect this structure onto their campus net as they see fit. -these slides courtesy of Gregg Scott at CENIC
19 Default Last Mile Design Specification Hub Site “B” Tier 2 Tier 3 CENIC Hub Site “A” CENIC ONI Demarc Campus Network Gig Enet Campus/Institution Last Miles Gig Enet
20 CENICExperimentalNetwork CENIC High PerformanceResearchNetwork CENIC Digital CaliforniaNetwork CalREN XP CalREN HPR CalREN DC CalREN DC provides internet connectivity for typical networking needs, CalREN HPR is focused on providing high performance for research while the XP network opens the door to experimenting with networks or very unique connectivity for projects. CalREN Networks
21Research Impact of Research on Networks and Computing –Moving data –Processing Data –Testing protocols and transmission Not every researcher understands the recent improvements in networks or how to use them.
22 Interesting sites TeraGrid – National LambdaRail [NLR] –
23 A Quick Sidebar on UCR Fiber UCR uses air-blown fiber [ABF] from Sumitomo Install tubing, then blow fiber strands with compressed air Possible to pull out and replace with ease Easy to add new runs by blowing new strands Used by Getty Museum, Department of Defense, and others
24 Air Blown Fiber
25 Air Blown Fiber
26 Another Researcher Calls Slow data transfers We thought we knew the solution –New fiber to building (ABF) –New Switch for building entry –New gigabit connection to campus core This appears to be the solution But, you don’t always know
27 Who knows what’s out there? Firewalls, slow networks, broken protocols, old servers, etc. To support research you need to know
28 End to End Performance Testing Interenet2 has End to End Performance Initiative Look on –Click on link “E2EPI” They initially thought this would be a short stop-gap There is lots to read about here
29 E2EPI Goals Enable end-users and support personnel to: –Determine E2E performance capabilities –Locate E2E problems –Contact the right person to get an E2E problem resolved Enable remote initiation of partial path performance tests Make partial path performance data publicly available
30 Basic End to End Performance
31 Support of local users and researchers Good documentation Team approach – multi discipline Communicate effectively with end users Develop relationship with VC for Research Standards for networking assumptions made in grant requests Maintain E2E perspective
32 Research Opportunities Facilitated by CalREN HPR and XP Architecture An Opportunity to think about Research and Extramurally Funded Opportunities in a New Way Creating Private, Ad Hoc Networks Data Collection Devices, Servers, Data, and Databases can be linked across campus, the UC system, or even throughout the United States via ultra-high speed networks. UC’s ability to create ad hoc, private networks (on-campus and within the UC system) allows researchers to engage in unique inter- and intra-campus collaborations, to share equipment and systems, and to address problems and propose solutions utilizing innovative methodologies. Ultimately, UC’s network infrastructure provides researchers with an important tool to help secure research (and other extramurally funded) opportunities.
33 One Research Opportunity Facilitated by UCR’s Network Infrastructure UCR’s Infomine Project, A Campus Example This extramurally funded project will build “virtual library collections” for campus faculty through focused web “crawling” utilizing very high amounts of bandwidth. How does UCR’s Network Facilitate this Effort? Air Blown Fiber. Electronics Supporting Direct Connection to Internet 2. Network Traffic Shaping to Hold Down Costs. This project will consume double the existing amount of campus network bandwidth WITHOUT IMPACTING THE “PRODUCTION NETWORK” AND WITHOUT DRAMATICALLY INCREASED INTERNET COSTS.
34 Logical Overview of “Private Network” Providing Bandwidth to Focused Web Crawling Initiative
35 Research Opportunities Facilitated via UCR’s Network Infrastructure Why Are Private Research Networks Important? Dedicated Bandwidth Not Subject to “Normal” Campus Rules Can be Constructed to Individual Project or Researcher’s Needs PrivateExperimentalNetwork Private and High Availability Research Network High Availability Academic and AdministrativeNetwork CENICExperimentalNetwork CENIC High PerformanceResearchNetwork CENIC Digital CaliforniaNetworkCaliforniaUCR
36 Next Steps for UCR… Cross-functional team to support this effort. Network, Systems, and Security. Grant Writing Expertise. Collaboratory Support for Research Design and Methodology Support. Announcement in the Fall 2004.
37 For further consideration … Interesting Projects The Archipelago Project investigates efficient ways to form a secure extended ad-hoc network of laptops, handhelds, and other wireless capable devices, and bridge it to the Internet. The Oceanstore Project Using Networks to promote Collaborative Research The Archipelago Project * Comments and Questions are welcome: