What is cosmic radiation and where does it come from? Frederik Rühr, Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Universität Heidelberg IRTG Seminar, 26. Oktober 2007 “The origin of cosmic rays is one of the major unsolved astrophysical problems” (Claus Grupen, Astroparticle Physics, 2005)
What are cosmic rays?
Why cosmic rays?
What are cosmic rays? Charged particles (above a given magnetic rigidity) –Protons: 86% –α -particles: 11% –Electrons: 2% –Nuclei, up to uranium: 1% –(Positrons and antiprotons?) Neutral particles –γ -rays –Neutrinos and antineutrinos (numbers from Perkins, Particle Astrophysics, 2003)
What are cosmic rays? Charged particles (above a given magnetic rigidity) –Protons: 86% –α -particles: 11% –Electrons: 2% –Nuclei, up to uranium: 1% –(Positrons and antiprotons?) Neutral particles –γ -rays –Neutrinos and antineutrinos (numbers from Perkins, Particle Astrophysics, 2003) I will focus on this
Where do they come from?
Bottom up approach –Charged particles of low energy are accelerated to the observed high energies Top-down approach –Decay of cosmic strings, topological defects, … Where do they come from?
Time dependant magnetic fields create electric fields that can accelerate charged particles –Cyclotron mechanism E.g. particles going round in circles around sunspots could be accelerated up to 100 GeV, gaining ~1 GeV per full orbit Orbits are only stable in the presence of guiding forces –Acceleration by sunspot pairs Moving pairs of sunspots -> moving magnetic dipole -> electric field More plausible, but resulting in lower maximum energies Acceleration of cosmic rays
Charged particles traversing shock fronts (e.g. supernova shells) can gain energy If they transverse the shock front multiple times, due to e.g. being mirrored by magnetic clouds, energies up to Z eV could be reached Multiple reflection between two shock fronts is also an option The estimated energy spectrum resulting from this mechanism is expected to run with E -2.1, compared to the -2.7 measured (but the difference can possibly be accounted for by an energy dependence of the escape chance of particles)
Supernova shock fronts (blue)
Energies above eV? No mechanisms are known Can we look for the origin of highly energetic charged primary cosmic rays?
The short answer is: NO! Charged cosmic rays up to eV appear to be isotropic, due to losing all their directional information in cosmic magnetic fields
The knee, possible explanations Galactic confinement –Particles down to the knee can be contained in our galaxy due to its magnetic field –below the knee, particles start to leak out of our galaxy Maximum energy supplied by supernovae
The ankle, a theory Extragalactical component? The spectrum could be the combination of a hard extragalactic spectrum and a steeper galactic spectrum
Toes? The GZK cut-off It is expected that the CMB becomes opaque for protons above eV Thus the protons have a limited range (Greisen, Zatsepin and Kuzmin) James Cronin, 2007
The problem Fly`s Eye measured an Oh-My-God particle in 1991, with an energy of 3.2x10 20 eV The assumption is that the ankle has an extragalactic origin Particles of that energy must originate very close to our galaxy ?
A closer look at the toes According to AGASA measurements there is no energy cut-off visible at all -> No Toes
What's so great about these energies? According to the GZK cut-off they have to originate very close to us In addition we could actually pinpoint their sources!
James Cronin, 2007
Pierre Auger Data James Cronin, 2007
Pierre Auger Data
Summary We know do not really have any top-down models to explain the primary cosmic ray flux We know a few bottom up approaches, but they party don’t make much sense, and are very limited in energy We do have several explanations ready for the knee, the ankle and supposed toes, but the big picture does not make sense at the moment Michael Turner, 2007