Employers, employabilities and employability for the employed Thinking about employabilities
COBE Centre for Outcomes-Based Education intranet.open.ac.uk/cobe
Relevance of employability
Around three quarters of OU students are in employment. They have started their personal journey through their careers Many are well into this journey Many have held more than one position Many have experienced appraisals
Around two fifths of OU students directly link their study to their career. Perhaps to change jobs Or to progress within their current role. Relevance of employability
Around two thirds of OU students link their study to personal development.
Employability is the set of achievements, understandings and personal attributes that support individuals in managing their careers.
Writing concisely and persuasively (e.g. case reports, essays, assignments); Integrating and synthesising information from different sources ; Translating complex/sensitive ideas into everyday language; Speaking persuasively; Making effective presentations ; Listening effectively; Giving helpful, constructive feedback Identifying your own skills and capabilities Keeping up-to-date Developing new skills and knowledge Planning strategically, identifying key tasks, resources and goals Establishing achievable goals and objectives Prioritising tasks and assignments Meeting deadlines Allocating time effectively to establish achievable goals Finishing tasks within required timescale Working effectively under pressure/demanding deadlines Checking progress against original objectives Thinking ahead and contingency planning Using feedback to monitor performance Supporting employability Making full use of learning outcomes Making links between skills and competencies developed through a course and the world of work Facilitating reflection on learning
Employer engagement and employability OU Employed Employer Employability Employer engagement
Employer engagement and employability OU Employed Employer
From courses to programmes
COBE Centre for Outcomes-Based Education intranet.open.ac.uk/cobe