Environmental Studies A Collaborative Case Based Learning Module Winter Storms Supporting Information for The Environmentalist Martha Schoene Beach Management Consultant Faculty, Seton Hall University ©2006
Meeting with your Professional Team Meeting with your professional team, think about: What preliminary recommendations are you going to make to preserve the natural environment while satisfying the needs of the community? Record your thoughts in your field journal. Now proceed through this module with your professional team. Gather important facts and data to substantiate your opinions to share with your case group. It will probably take a number of sessions with your coworkers to work through all the information provided. Record all references and suggestions in your field journal. Your professional team (colleagues working back at the office)
The Environmentalist Erosion caused by Winter Storms Perform a lab activity with your group and discuss how storm waves accelerate beach erosion. Record in your field journal. ( The unabridged version provides a link to suggested beach erosion modeling lab activities done with mini stream tables.)
The Environmentalist Beach Migration due to Winter Storms Explanation of Coastal Storms. Share with your group the differences you observe in the beach over time. Note the dates in this chart
The Environmentalist Resources Maintaining dune structures - An expert discusses plans for better coastal construction Consult the Glossary contained on the CD for more information on Dunes. ( The Unabridged version contains links to interviews with Beach Management experts. ) Take notes on how to preserve the natural beach. Can these steps help the pizzeria owner and other members of the community along the Jersey shore?
The Environmentalist Review the information above and find the changes that have occurred in the past 4 months. Remember that the storm for this case occurred in January.
The Environmentalist After the storm, high tide comes further up on the beach. The storm removed the dune to form a scarp. Dune Height
The Environmentalist Dune Grass – Initial Planting How can natural dunes be formed?
The Environmentalist This picture shows existing access between the boardwalk and the beach. Compare this ramp to other types of Beach Accesses
The Environmentalist Where does the sand go since it is no longer on the beach? Some goes out to sea and some is deposited in the town. What should be done with the sand that was pushed into the town? Is it clean? Should it be put back on the beach? Should it stay where it is and be built on top of? Record your thoughts in your field journal. ( Find a photograph to support your decision ) ( The Unabridged version and my website contain a photo gallery )
Constructing A Plan Work with the rest of your professional team to create a plan to preserve the natural beach environment while satisfying the needs of the community. Discuss the pros and cons of all the options presented from various viewpoints, working together to come to a consensus. Your group must substantiate the arguments with facts and data. Remember, you might have to compromise which is an important part of working in a group. Record your final group plan. Proceed now to the final, wrap up module.