Student Support John Kirby Graduate School Faculty of Medical Sciences
Common problems None at all –Most common of all!
Common problems Being a human being –A roof over your head Accommodation office, colleagues etc –Safety, security and food If you are new to Newcastle ask for advice from people who have been here a while –Despite appearance we were all new once!
Common problems Being a human being –Heath issues
Common problems Being a human being –Money worries For advice on grants, fees, council tax etc. first ask in the Graduate School office
Common problems Being a human being –Money worries For advice on grants, fees, council tax etc. first ask in the Graduate School office Student welfare service –Access to learning fund, loans etc
Common problems Being a human being –Money worries For advice on grants, fees, council tax etc. first ask in the Graduate School office Student welfare service –Loans, hardship funds etc Student advice service –Within the Union building
Common problems Being a human being –Medical worries If you need to take time off tell the Graduate School – we can ‘stop the clock’ –Disability issues Comprehensive support provided through the student welfare service –Personal worries Student’s counselling service
Common problems Being a Research Student –Your supervisor and/or project Don’t suffer in silence –Who can I talk to? Your supervisor(s) Your mentor or School postgraduate tutor Your assessment team Me or Barbara in the Graduate School The Dean, Barry Hirst –In whatever order you choose
Common problems What shall I do with my life? –During your course, you will be introduced to a number of career options –The careers service is excellent and can provide a one-to-one service Graduate School contact is Rachael Roberts
The bottom line Don’t keep a problem to yourself! –The University has dealt with thousands of students – it is unlikely your problem is unique –Don’t be afraid to talk to someone You can talk to male and/or female staff We can and do respect confidentiality –If the Graduate School can’t help you directly, it will almost certainly be able to direct you to someone who can