By, Justin Carland, Derek Hanson, Indar Lange, Ryan Matsui
Overview The Lifter is an asymmetrical capacitor which uses High Voltage ( > 20KV ) to produce a thrust. Basically a RC circuit The Lifter works without moving parts, flies silently, uses only electrical energy and is able to lift its own weight plus some additional load. Theories –Biefeld-Brown effect –Ionic-Wind –Electrogravitics
Block Diagram Lifter (Object) Power Supply 12V Battery Team (viewers) Battery Charger Load
Power Supply Cost: 250 dollars 35kV~over 50kV Regulates current (AC) Converts 12V DC in to AC out
Power Supply Diagram
Hurdles to overcome Getting it to lift fully off the ground Find the most efficient type of power source Find the most efficient physical design Lifter cannot carry own power supply Construction of the lifter is very tedious. Having the right distance between connections so lifter works properly.
Experiments Verify payload capabilities Attempt to find maximum altitude Try to find verify a reference point for the maximum altitude Attempt to discover a reaction force for the observed forces acting on the lifter
Gantt Chart 5-Oct19-Oct2-Nov16-Nov8-Dec Full Working LifterIn Process Testing & TroubleshootingIn Process Collect Data & Experiment Engineer and Improve