Chemical Reaction Engineering (CRE) is the field that studies the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions and the design of the reactors in which they take place. Lecture 7
Today’s lecture Block 1: Mole Balances Block 2: Rate Laws Block 3: Stoichiometry Block 4: Combine California Professional Engineers Exam Exam is not curved, 75% or better to pass Problem
General Guidelines for California Problems Some hints: 1. Group unknown parameters/values on the same side of the equation example: [unknowns] = [knowns] 2. Look for a Case 1 and a Case 2 (usually two data points) to make intermediate calculations 3. Take ratios of Case 1 and Case 2 to cancel as many unknowns as possible 4. Carry all symbols to the end of the manipulation before evaluating, UNLESS THEY ARE ZERO 4
California Problems (1)Lump unknowns together on one side of the equal sign and knowns on the other (2)Take ratio for Case 1 and Case 2 to cancel unknowns (3)Make an intermediate calculation 5
6 Knowns: Intermediate Conversion, X 1, K C, and W 1 = W 2 Unknowns: F A0, W 1, C A0 P5-17 B California Professional Exam Problem
7 Solution (1)Mole Balance (2)Rate Law (3)Stoichiometry Liquid, = 0
8 (4)Combine (5)Evaluate: Solve analytically
9 Cancel unknowns F A0, k and C A0 Substitute X 1 = 0.55 and K C = 5.8
10 Part 2
11 Substitute for F A1 and cancel F A0, C A0, k
12 One equation and one unknown Solving for
Mole Balance Rate Laws Stoichiometry Isothermal Design Heat Effects 13
End of Lecture 7 14