Final Exam Our final will be held: –Thursday, May 3 rd –From 4:00 to 5:50 PM –In 109 CIWW (same room as class) There will be no make up and the final is mandatory. It will have 100 multiple choice questions. It is cumulative.
WORD Editing: copy/paste/cut and clipboard The four levels of formatting text: character / paragraph / page / document and how they are used Review how to copy an image from the Web into a document and which tools are available for adjusting the image Working with columns. Working with Tables; setting up, defining, and removing borders, etc.
WORD (continued) Copy/paste text from web to Word; using replace to fix up the text efficiently Know how to work with an image in a document: text wrap; using textboxes; wrapping text around a picture. Alignment of picture and graphics. normal view (text) vs page layout view (graphics) Working with images: using ClipArt; WordArt; using the Drawing toolbar; modify images within Word; modify images within Photoshop and how to copy them or open them in Word (using Web formats) Using Styles Headers / footers Footnotes hyperlinks
PowerPoint Auto Layout Working with slides: Insert New slide; Edit / Delete Slide Views: Slide sorter, normal and slide show; when do you use each? Slide Show / Slide Transitions Understand how to work with the backgrounds: Format / Background (and select a color) ; Picture as background; Format / Apply
PowerPoint (continued) Tables Levels of text Adding text body animation Drawing on slides using the drawing toolbar and other means of inserting graphics Custom animation and Animation preview Save for Web; how does this work? Hyperlinks using graphics
html Setting up a basic page: understanding how to use the tags, tag attributes and requirements Some of the tags we explored include: – – -- as well as other headings –
html (continued) links to another site (external links) links to another page in the same site (relative) links inserting an image using an image as a link fonts and text formatting: bold, italic, colored text, text size bulleted and numbered lists setting up tables lists
Style sheets Separate the content from the formatting Definitions: rule, selector, property, value Pseudo classes (a:link; a:visited; a:hover) Creating and using your own classes
Photoshop Working with a scanned image; new images; copying files from outside sources such as the web. Using Photoshop toolbars image types on the web: JPG, GIF, and PNG. Using paint bucket, brush, and pencil tools, etc. for “drawing” Know how to edit a picture from the web, using eye dropper to pick up colors and magic wand to select irregular areas
Photoshop (continued) using the text tool working with the image: crop; rotate; flip; sizing; mode Working with layers: making them visible; opacity; moving them around; when and why do you use them? Creating images for the web
ImageReady What is Animation? Setting up an image with layers for animation Setting up the frames Animation palette window menu Tweening
Dreamweaver Working with files: new/open/save/save as/save all and Preview in Browser up Setting up a page: page properties (background color or image; page title) Editing using html (code view vs. design view) Working with text: edit copy/paste; font size; text style; font face; font color (select text & properties) Lists Working with images Links
Dreamweaver (continued) Tables: inserting and modifying tables; using Tables to assist in page layouts Rollovers Hotspots and image maps Anchors Flash buttons & Flash text Frames Styles and style sheets Layers Working with sound and video
Excel Spreadsheet/database/charts; cells contain values, text, formulas, VB code, graphics Values (text,#,date,time) vs formula The power of Excel is in the references and formulas!! Using cell addresses – renaming cells Formulas – order of precedence Enter a formula Review cell addresses values vs. formulas Selecting all; rows; columns
Excel (continued) Workbooks contain worksheets; chart sheets; and Visual Basic modules. There can be multiple worksheets in one workbook. Insert & delete rows & columns Relative vs absolute addresses Formatting cells (number, alignment, font, etc) Know what a macro is Modifying toolbars Charts wizard and charts Mailmerge: using a table or database in Excel to create form letters in Word
Your NYU internet and web account Information about your account. What is the host name, login, name of web directory, the address of your webpage/URL? What is the name of the HTML file that opens to your homepage? What application to use to log into your remote server and use unix? What is fugu and WinScp used for? What is terminal and Putty used for? How do we upload HTML files and where do we upload them?
Unix Basics cd chmod and permissions ls (plus–l option) mkdir cp
Principles See all the slides posted in the resources section of the website. Also see my review notes for the midterm.