Coptic Christianity
Pope Shenouda III “More than 95% of Egypt’s Christians belong to the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria.”
Christianity in the Roman World Some time shortly after the year 70, Gentile Christians were asked to leave the synagogue and Christianity became a separate religion.
Greek Philosophy: Plato Plato’s vision of two worlds gave philosophical expression to an important Christian teaching about how the Holy Spirit could influence people.
Mithraic Sacrifice Mithraism was one of the early challenges to Christianity as were other groups, such as the Gnostic Christians.
Constantine Constantine believed that he would come to rule the Roman Empire through the sign of Jesus.
The Spread of Christianity Most Christians still believe the essentials of the Nicene Creed.
Chalcedon Ruins The Coptic Orthodox Church has been a distinct church body since the Council of Chalcedon in 451 C.E. (A.D.)
Origen Origen, considered the father of theology, wrote over 6,000 commentaries on the Bible.
Ruins of School of Alexandria “The scope of this school was not limited to theological subjects; science, mathematics and humanities were also taught there.”
The Holy Spirit “We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life…”
From Christian to Muslim “The gradual conversions to Islam over the centuries changed Egypt from a mainly Christian to a mainly Muslim country by the end of the 12th century.”
Coptic Monastery Christians can deepen their understanding of the role of Egypt and Coptic Christians, and especially of the way monasticism has influenced Christian faith.