Health, Safety and HRM Lois Tetrick & Michael T. Ford Michael T. Ford.


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Presentation transcript:

Health, Safety and HRM Lois Tetrick & Michael T. Ford Michael T. Ford

What is Health? Health at the individual employee level is not just the absence of illness but also includes positive health or optimal functioning Health at the individual employee level is not just the absence of illness but also includes positive health or optimal functioning

What is Health Continued Health at the organizational level now includes human resource factors such as turnover rates, the number of grievances, and the overall morale of employees of the organization Health at the organizational level now includes human resource factors such as turnover rates, the number of grievances, and the overall morale of employees of the organization

External Environment Four external factors affect the ways that organizations deal with health issues: Four external factors affect the ways that organizations deal with health issues: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Rising health care insurance costsRising health care insurance costs General workforce trendsGeneral workforce trends

Americans with Disabilities Act The ADA was designed to promote the employment of individuals with disabilities The ADA was designed to promote the employment of individuals with disabilities Disabilities are defined as impairments that limit one or more major life activities but do not prevent individuals from performing the essential duties of the job Disabilities are defined as impairments that limit one or more major life activities but do not prevent individuals from performing the essential duties of the job

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 requires employers to provide up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave for employees who need it for family or medical crises The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 requires employers to provide up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave for employees who need it for family or medical crises The FMLA does not require paid leave by the company The FMLA does not require paid leave by the company

Rising Health Care Insurance Costs Per capita health care expenditures increased between 5% and 9% per year between 1993 and 2002 Per capita health care expenditures increased between 5% and 9% per year between 1993 and 2002 Insurance companies provide incentives and support to reduce accidents and illnesses Insurance companies provide incentives and support to reduce accidents and illnesses

General Workforce Trends The workforce is becoming older, includes more women, and is ethnically and racially diverse affecting internal health related issues The workforce is becoming older, includes more women, and is ethnically and racially diverse affecting internal health related issues

Internal Factors Internal factors in health and safety include: Internal factors in health and safety include: Job stressJob stress SafetySafety Diversity and discriminationDiversity and discrimination Sexual harassment, violence, and incivilitySexual harassment, violence, and incivility

Job Stress A 2002 national survey found that half of all workers see job stress as a major problem, which is over double the proportion who expressed this view just 10 years earlier A 2002 national survey found that half of all workers see job stress as a major problem, which is over double the proportion who expressed this view just 10 years earlier

Job Role Stressors Role ambiguity - lack of clarity and specificity about one’s occupational role responsibilities Role ambiguity - lack of clarity and specificity about one’s occupational role responsibilities Role conflict - the presence of competing or incompatible role demands Role conflict - the presence of competing or incompatible role demands

Job Stressors Continued Role overload - having too much work to do, too little time to do that work, and/or not having the resources to complete the work required Role overload - having too much work to do, too little time to do that work, and/or not having the resources to complete the work required

Emerging Job Stressors Conflict between work and family roles Conflict between work and family roles Technological advances – may blur work and nonwork roles Technological advances – may blur work and nonwork roles Increased service industry jobs may require more emotional regulation due to frequent customer interaction Increased service industry jobs may require more emotional regulation due to frequent customer interaction

Safety The overall number of occupational injuries and days missed due to injuries has declined between 1990 and 2005 The overall number of occupational injuries and days missed due to injuries has declined between 1990 and 2005 With the expansion of service- producing businesses, we have seen an increase in the number of deaths in the retail and transportation industries With the expansion of service- producing businesses, we have seen an increase in the number of deaths in the retail and transportation industries

How to Improve Safety Safety climate - refers to the shared perceptions of an organization’s policies, practices, and procedures with respect to the priority placed on safety Safety climate - refers to the shared perceptions of an organization’s policies, practices, and procedures with respect to the priority placed on safety Work design- creating physical barriers between employees and known hazards Work design- creating physical barriers between employees and known hazards

Technology Technology can lead to safety issues through: Technology can lead to safety issues through: New machineryNew machinery Extensive computer usageExtensive computer usage

Diversity and Discrimination Discrimination is associated with negative mental health outcomes Discrimination is associated with negative mental health outcomes Diversity can increase stress and make communication with coworkers more difficult Diversity can increase stress and make communication with coworkers more difficult

Sexual Harassment, Violence, and Incivility Increases in the service industry will increase the potential for aggression from customers Increases in the service industry will increase the potential for aggression from customers Sexual harassment may lead to psychological distress and overall health issues Sexual harassment may lead to psychological distress and overall health issues

HR Responses Organizational health and safety interventions can be classified into two general categories: Organizational health and safety interventions can be classified into two general categories: Initiatives that reduce and prevent strain and injury from occurring in the first placeInitiatives that reduce and prevent strain and injury from occurring in the first place Initiatives that help to rehabilitate individuals who have already experienced strain and injuryInitiatives that help to rehabilitate individuals who have already experienced strain and injury

Preventative Interventions Primary interventions - aimed at reducing or eliminating the source of strain and risk in the workplace and are targeted at everyone Primary interventions - aimed at reducing or eliminating the source of strain and risk in the workplace and are targeted at everyone Secondary interventions - target individuals that are particularly at risk and help them to manage the causes of stress, strain, and injury Secondary interventions - target individuals that are particularly at risk and help them to manage the causes of stress, strain, and injury

Compensation Financial incentives may promote safe behaviors as long as the incentive programs are aligned with other organizational systems Financial incentives may promote safe behaviors as long as the incentive programs are aligned with other organizational systems

Employee Involvement and Job Enrichment Organizations can involve their employees in the development and implementation of policies and practices related to occupational health and safety Organizations can involve their employees in the development and implementation of policies and practices related to occupational health and safety

Diversity Training Diversity training can be integrated with other, more general training initiatives such as team building, mentoring programs, and management training Diversity training can be integrated with other, more general training initiatives such as team building, mentoring programs, and management training

Work-Life Balance Initiatives Flexible work hours and childcare assistance Flexible work hours and childcare assistance Flexible leave options that go beyond the requirements of the FMLA Flexible leave options that go beyond the requirements of the FMLA

Safety Management Ways to target and prevent injuries: Ways to target and prevent injuries: Eliminate hazards entirely by redesigning jobs such that exposure to hazards is no longer necessaryEliminate hazards entirely by redesigning jobs such that exposure to hazards is no longer necessary Block access to hazards that the organization cannot eliminateBlock access to hazards that the organization cannot eliminate Training employees to recognize hazards and avoid themTraining employees to recognize hazards and avoid them

Employee Assistance Programs Programs aimed at helping employees that are experiencing a range of personal concerns such as stress, family difficulties, substance abuse, financial troubles, and legal problems Programs aimed at helping employees that are experiencing a range of personal concerns such as stress, family difficulties, substance abuse, financial troubles, and legal problems

Health Promotion Health promotion programs are aimed at increasing positive health behaviors such as exercise and relaxation techniques, while decreasing negative health behaviors such as smoking or unhealthy diets Health promotion programs are aimed at increasing positive health behaviors such as exercise and relaxation techniques, while decreasing negative health behaviors such as smoking or unhealthy diets

Guidelines Conduct Health and Safety Audits Conduct Health and Safety Audits Incorporate Health and Safety into Performance Appraisals Incorporate Health and Safety into Performance Appraisals Incorporate Health and Safety into Compensation Systems Incorporate Health and Safety into Compensation Systems

Guidelines Continued Integrate the Health and Safety Functions Within the Organization Integrate the Health and Safety Functions Within the Organization Monitor the External Environment for Health and Safety Issues Monitor the External Environment for Health and Safety Issues Promote the Importance of Health and Safety Promote the Importance of Health and Safety

Conclusion Environmental factors have increased the importance of health and safety in the workplace Environmental factors have increased the importance of health and safety in the workplace Organizations have responded with various initiatives Organizations have responded with various initiatives Guidelines have been provided to promote health and safety in the workplace Guidelines have been provided to promote health and safety in the workplace