School-based Training A Brief Introduction
School-based Training Part I School Attachment Begins Monday 13th October 2003 Arrive at the pre-arranged time First impressions count: Remember you are a guest in the school Professional dress and conduct are expected Keep in mind the Professional Standards
Attachment Days Two days per week (Mon/Tues) for 3 weeks (excluding half-term week) Recommended Programme – Handbook Section H pp. H11-H13 Flexibility and advanced planning are required
Focus for the Serial Attachment Establishment of the School Experience file Classroom Management Management of Children’s Behaviour and Learning Teaching strategies NC core subjects – knowledge and application in the given key stage Short term planning and assessment Lesson evaluation Handbook Section H, p. H10
The First Block Experience Week beginning 10 th November – ‘Completion of Planning’ Week 17 th November – 9 th December (three weeks and one day block experience in the given key stage plus one day (12 th December) in the other key stage) Focus on: planning for progression over a series of lessons; whole class teaching; children’s learning; evaluating lessons;the core curriculum.
Some Important Points Parity of Experience All schools are different and so you should expect varied experiences. However, you will experience parity in terms of the expectations (teaching commitments etc.) and the support that you receive.
Support Class teacher School-based tutor (mentor) College-based tutor (moderator) Education/Seminar Tutor Award Director who will inform the Director of Partnerships if appropriate