SMOS SAG 20 VILLESPA. Agenda 1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Reporting on on-going activities: 3.Airborne demonstrators - first results/limitation/discussion.


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Presentation transcript:


Agenda 1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Reporting on on-going activities: 3.Airborne demonstrators - first results/limitation/discussion 4.CoSMAuS status and next steps 5. Needs for SMOS Cal/Val - discussion on future campaigns 6 Discussion on CEC functionality 7. OS Assimilation 8. AOB 9. Date/Place/Objectives of next meetings

Introduction MB excuses himself  H Rehban Objectives / organisation Approval of the draft agenda … Actions from the previous meeting (H Rebhan) SAG meeting format (see AOB) Questions to SAG

Action items See H Rebhan

Reporting on on-going activities: Status report of the Project (A Hahne) –SMOS –L1 processor development status (M. Zundo) –L2 processor development status with emphasis on the Quality Review 1 and the foreseen validation activities (S Delwart, YKerr, JFont), –GS implementation status (N Wright) On-going / planned study activities –SM Synergy (M Berger) –Assimilation Study (P v Oevelen) –SM network (P v Oevelen) –SMOS toolbox (J Benveniste) –DOMEX-II (M Drinkwater). NRT

Questions to SAG What do you want to see in the CEC (tools aux data file) What do you suggest as tools to analyse data or to perform Cal Val Opinions about algo val p Issues and gap in cal val operations? Campaigns dedicated what is wanted Do we need extra instruments who can make them Do we want a land sea merged product ? if yes what rules for overlapping pixels, is it better to have land browse, sea browse and merge or land sea and algo for th emerging? What a bout the land sea mask is it necessary to have twice an 200 km overlap?

Airborne demonstrators - first results/limitation/discussion quality performance of the AMIRAS and HUT-2D airborne demonstrators by –Isabel Cabeza, CASA, Spain –Kimmo Rautiainen, HUT, Finland report on the including first results obtained from test flights. The presentations shall also cover specific aircraft charcateristics and limitations as input for the discussions under agenda campaigns Goal: give a comprehensive reporting on where we are, in terms of instrument performance, data processing, and initial results. HUT should as well recapitulate on the aircraft and its capabilities and limitations (M Hallikainen).

coSMOS status and next steps report on the status of the data pre-processing of the coSMOS-SM and coSMOS-OS data (N Skou) Y. Kerr, N. Reul and J. Font will report on the on- going and planned scientific analysis, data processing/ evaluation from Nafe and OS Goal: update, find gaps if any, discuss when and where could first results be presented to the scientific public and or be implemented in algo val plans

Needs for SMOS Cal/Val - discussion on future campaigns Following the airborne instrument presentations, it is planned to discuss in detail future campaign needs for the SMOS cal/val. What are the priorities, from the processor development and validation point of view, for future campaigns, what needs to be done/organised (ground data, logistics, timing constraints, etc.)

Discussion on CEC functionality Under this agenda point it is is planned to discuss the functionality of the CEC based on a report of planned activities (S Delwart, A Hahne, N. Wright) What is planned, what is expected, what can be the SAG inputs etc…

OS Assimilation D Stammer agreed to present and discuss possible OS assimilation schemes with the group

AOB SMOS IEEE TGARS Special Issue, the Data AO preparation Needs and plans for future WSs (Cal/Val WS, Science WS, German User WS, Chinese SMOS WS....)? Topics of the next SAG SAG meeting format Finalisations of the NRT recom Questions to SAG

Date and place of next meeting Goal March April Time frame TJ Jackson indications –March 7-9 Hydrology from Space, Irvine, CA March ISPMSRS, Davos, Switz. March International Soil Moisture Sensing Technology Conference, Hawaii March PIERS, Beijing April 2-4 OPEN (Friday the 5th begins Easter weekend) April 9-13 OPEN April EGU (I probably won't attend, but others might) April OPEN

Resolution The SMOS Science Advisory Group, gathered for its 20th meeting on 2 and 3 November at ESAC, took note of the ongoing discussions at the DOSTAG and the Earth Observation Programme Board and unanimously expressed the following recommendation: The SMOS SAG welcomes the initiative of DOSTAG and PB-EO to investigate the possibility of a Near Real Time service for the SMOS mission, making processed products available within 3 hours from sensing, and to make the necessary budget available for an implementation compatible with the availability of such service by the time of the launch. Such a service would also enable the user community –To ingest the SMOS data into numerical weather forecasting systems, initially on a try-out basis to quantify the benefit, later-on on an operational basis –To assimilate the SMOS swath-based data into 2 dimensional global fields and test early alerts systems so as to possibly –Contribute to the “Charter for Disaster Monitoring”, particularly for the aspects of flood and drought monitoring / forecasting; –Generally improve the turnaround between data acquisition and availability of processes scientific results.