Kapi’olani Community College Macromedia Flash 1 In-class Presentation Week 2
Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 2 In-class Presentation :: In-class examples Full Interface example: Partial Interface example: Flash for film/tv example: alive/latinalive.html alive/latinalive.html efannadelman/latinalive/latin _alive-320x240.mov efannadelman/latinalive/latin _alive-320x240.mov
Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 2 In-class Presentation :: Flash Basics & Fundamentals Quick review from last week Shape Tweens & Motion Tweens Nesting symbols Motion Guides See: _2006/flash1/videoTutorials/vt_flash_motionguid e.html _2006/flash1/videoTutorials/vt_flash_motionguid e.html Also see: SH/24.html SH/24.html Masking See: _2006/flash1/videoTutorials/vt_flash_masks.html _2006/flash1/videoTutorials/vt_flash_masks.html
Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 2 In-class Presentation :: In-class Exercise Practice Shape Tweening & Motion Tweening Video Tutorial: utorials/vt_flash_tweens.html utorials/vt_flash_tweens.html Create a motion guide Video Tutorial: utorials/vt_flash_motionguide.html utorials/vt_flash_motionguide.html Also see: Create an animated mask Video tutorial: utorials/vt_flash_masks.html utorials/vt_flash_masks.html
Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 2 In-class Presentation :: More Flash Basics & Fundamentals Buttons Buttons with layers Buttons with nested movie clips How to correctly create invisible buttons. Movie Clips Regular Movie Clips vs. Nested Movie Clips Behavior differences Intro to ActionScript See video tutorial: mmer_2006/flash1/videoTutorials/vt_flash_ movieclips.html mmer_2006/flash1/videoTutorials/vt_flash_ movieclips.html
Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 2 In-class Presentation :: In-class/At Home Exercise Practice Making Movie Clips, Buttons, and writing ActionScript Video Tutorial: utorials/vt_flash_movieclips.html utorials/vt_flash_movieclips.html
Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 2 In-class Presentation :: Assignment Look at the tutorials files and see if you can recreate them from scratch. Watch the free online tutorials at learnflash.com – Thank you, Jennifer!!
Macromedia Flash 1 :: Week 2 In-class Presentation :: Next Week How to create a simple flash web site