Hier wird Wissen Wirklichkeit 1 Attempts to improve work and well-being: Test of the Karasek model Sandra Ohly & Zan Strabac EAWOP 2007, Stockholm
Hier wird Wissen Wirklichkeit Overview Karasek model Research questions and hypotheses Sample and method Results Implications
Hier wird Wissen Wirklichkeit
Prior research Model supported for health outcomes Mixed support for psychological well-being and active behavior Problem - mostly homogeneous samples - mostly from single European countries
Hier wird Wissen Wirklichkeit Hypotheses Well-being: Job control will be positively related to general psychological well-being. Job demands will be negatively related to general psychological well-being. Job demands and job control will shown an interactive effect on general psychological well-being. Proactive behavior Job control will be positively related to proactive behavior. Demands will positively related to proactive behavior. Job demands and job control will show an interactive effect proactive behavior.
Hier wird Wissen Wirklichkeit Method Data collected in the European Social Survey 9217 full-time employees from 19 countries 60.5% male, mean age = 40.0 years (SD = 11.0) mean level of education = 13.2 years (SD = 3.56) Methodological advantages large, representative, cross-national samples Methodological challenges quality of measures; clustering (VPC well = 9%)
Hier wird Wissen Wirklichkeit Measures Well-being „How happy/satisfied are you with your life?“ a =.65 Proactive behavior „Have you made any attempt to improve conditions at work?“ Job control „... organize your own work“ a =.87 Job demand: Working hours, overtime included
Hier wird Wissen Wirklichkeit Analysis Correcting for sampling design and clustering Controlling for Age Gender Living with partner Education Household income Supervisor position
Hier wird Wissen Wirklichkeit Results: Well-being Delta R-squareBeta Controls9.8 % Job control2.2 %.007*** Job demand-.010** Interaction0.2%.004*
Hier wird Wissen Wirklichkeit
Proactive behavior Delta R-squareBeta Controls7.5 % Job control2.2 %.157*** Job demand.003 Interaction0.0 %.001
Hier wird Wissen Wirklichkeit Summary Hypotheses 1-3 supported: Well-being is positively related to job control negatively related to job demands Job control buffers the negative effect of demands. Hypotheses 4 supported: Job control is positively related to active behavior. Hypotheses 5-6 not supported.
Hier wird Wissen Wirklichkeit Discussion Job control is an important work characteristic for well-being and proactive work behavior Long working hours are detrimental Small effect size of interaction effect