Project Maine France (Quebec) Faculty Delegation Trip
PMF(Q) Specific Goals and Purpose of PMFQ: To help realize the UMS vision for international study by creating and sustaining a robust network of academic relationships with partner institutions in France and Quebec, thus providing a possible model for partnerships with other regions of the world. To provide a cost effective means for all campuses to increase their involvement in international programs through a centralized support structure. To engage in collaborative research with France and the EU (and Quebec) in areas directly relevant to building Maine’s economy and enhancing Maine’s participation in the global economy. To help students, faculty, and others develop linguistic and cultural knowledge and skills through a wide range of opportunities both in France and Quebec. To support the goals and directions of the UMS Strategic Plan.
Partners Quebec 1.Université de Québec France 1.l’Université du Maine (LeMans) 2.l’Université d’Angers 3.l’Université de Nantes 4.l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale 5.l’École Supérieure des Beaux Arts au Mans; 6. l’IUFM Pays de la Loire (a institute for teacher preparation) 7.THEODILE (a research laboratory at l’Université de Lille III) 8. l’IUFM Nord Pas-de-Calais (a second institute for teacher preparation) 9.IFREMER (the French National Institute for Marine Research) 10.Paris 12, la Faculté d’Administration et Relations Internationales
Significant Activities To Date April 2005 Completion of an inventory of all the current collaborative activity between the UMS and our academic partners in France. October 2005 A high-level delegation, including the UMS chancellor and vice chancellor, two UMS presidents, and two provosts, visited the four French universities who are members of the University Network of the Western Atlantic (LeMans, Angers, Nantes, and Brest) to sign a formal, system-level agreement. A formal Intent to Cooperate was also signed with the College of Administration and International Relations at the University of Paris XII. The October delegation visit was coordinated with Governor Baldacci’s trade mission visit to France. December 2005 Professor Martin Rogoff from the U Maine Law School visited four law schools in France: December representatives from IFREMER (the French National Research Institute for Marine Studies), with whom we visited in June 2005, came to Maine to visit our marine science field stations and discuss collaborative research opportunities with marine researchers here. January 2006 Monsieur Gautier, the French Consul in Boston, visited Maine and spent some time at USM with Rich Pattenaude learning more about the UMS partnerships in France. Some of the impetus for the visit came from Christian Tual, the French Embassy education liaison in Washington D.C. January 2006 Stephanie Welcomer from the University of Maine School of Business taught at the Université d’Angers. February 2006 During her February 2006 trip to France to oversee the UMF semester-long study abroad program at LeMans, Sylvie Charron met with the Ecole des Beaux Arts at LeMans on behalf of PMF to plan next steps in student exchanges between their program and the UMS. Our first Beaux Arts exchange student, Martin Roulet, came to study at USM this Spring (2006) with Jan Piribeck in the Fine Arts department.
Significant Activities To Date March 2006 Tiane Donahue visited the IUFM Pays-de-la Loire and the IUFM Nord-Pas-de-Calais as well as the THEODILE research laboratory at Lille III to pursue opportunities for student exchange (IUFM PdlL), faculty exchange (with all three entities), and research collaboration (primarily with IUFM NPdC and THEODILE) in the area of teacher formation and research on teaching and learning in preparation for the May Faculty Tour. March 2006 George Criner, chair of the Department of Resource Economics at the University of Maine visited the University of Angers and the Faculté d’Administration et Echanges Internationales at Paris 12 to launch an exchange of masters students and to discuss the possibilities of joint/dual degrees in resource economics. March-May 2006 A uniform policy for all UMS student and faculty exchanges was developed and is being reviewed and approved by the system CAOs and presidents. It will be shared with our French partners during the May 2006 faculty delegation visit and reviewed and adopted by them. April 2006 A delegation from UBO (Université de Bretagne Occidentale) in Brest spent a week in Maine interacting with colleagues on all seven campuses, deepening their understanding of our university system and the mission and programs of each of the seven campuses, and making specific plans for student and faculty exchange and research collaboration between UBO and UMS. May 2006 Faculty Delegation Trip Fine Arts, Business, Social Sciences and Teacher formation June 2006 Angers Delegation Visit to Maine October 2006 The four presidents of the RUOA universities are planning a visit to Maine and the UMS.
Faculty Delegation to France Teacher Preparation/Formation (Facilitator: Tiane Donahue, UMF) Ann E. LYNCH, UMF, (Teacher Education) Eric PANDISCIO, UM, (Mathematics Education) François AMAR, UM (Chemistry, Science Education) Business (Facilitator: Jane Smith, UM) David VANDERLINDEN, USM, (International Finance, Business) Anthony GAUVIN, UMFK, (eCommerce, eMarketing) Fine Arts (Facilitator: Claire Davidshofer, UMPI) Rose MARASCO USM (Art) Susan E. PICINICH USM (Theatre Design) Elizabeth Roberts McFALLS UMF (Digital New Media, Fine Arts) Social Science/Humanities (Facilitator: Jane Smith, UM) Kristin LANGELLIER UM (Communication) Elizabeth HAZARD UMA (International Relations History) Francesca VASSALLO USM (Political Science)
University Visits LEMANS – l’UNIVERSITÉ DU MAINE Noella Gaigeot, who teaches English at the IUT,(institut universitaire de technologie) was very interested in student exchanges and collaborations
University Visits NANTES - UNIVERSITÉ DE NANTES The Dean, Cecile Clergeau, was very receptive to having Maine students and suggested leveraging a program the have create in conjunction with Bentley College in Mass in Franco-American Studies in Business and economics. The program is for undergraduate students. It is reciprocal exchange with France and American student spending one semester abroad taking courses in a foreign language. This program would fit in with business students at all the campuses in the UMS system. I have subsequent conversations with Christine Bertail (coordinator of American Students at Nantes) and Cecile Clergeau reaffirming their interest in creating a similar program with UMS and sending French students to Maine (UMFK). Discussion with David VanderLinden from USM to build a program that would allow business students from the small colleges receiving a BS in Business from their home campus, a Diploma of Franco-American Studies in Business and Economics from Nantes, and a MBA in International Business from USM. Nantes also have a center for entrepreneurship that would match well with the Aroostook and Washington County Alliance for Rural entrepreneurship efforts (AWARE) but scheduling conflicts prevented my meeting with the director of the center. Jean-Francois Le Beere from the Centre International des Langues was very interested in having American professors teach at Nantes but he was not sure where the funding would come from to support such an effort.
University Visit PARIS - PARIS 12 (UNIVERSITÉ DE PARIS 12 (VAL-DE-MARNE), FACULTÉ ADMINISTRATION ET ÉCHANGES Paris XII is the most innovative and academically advanced of the schools we visited (at least in my disciplines) and they are very interested in creating a dual master (MBA) program with the UMS system (the UMS system is much less enthusiastic), the problem with collaborations with UM and USM is that both schools are AACSB accredited (PARIS XII is not!) which hampers such collaboration (classes at Paris XII would not count towards the UM and USM MBA’s). I view the Paris XII proposition as a possibility for the tri-campuses consortium to provide students a MBA from the consortium and a Masters from a French University. Paris XII is the only University in France that I visited that understands eCommerce and its role in the global Society.
University Visit ANGERS l’UNIVERSITÉ D’ANGERS The school is located in the town (3 urban campuses) and public transportation is easy to use. The University strengths are its professional programs. Talked with Bruno Daucé who is involved with a Masters Program in Internet Marketing. His curriculum is very cutting edge with many marketing research aspects. Bruno is however spending next year teaching in Spain. Angers also house ESTHUA, center for Hotel and Tourism Management, which should provide some good possibilities for collaboration.
University Visit BREST – l’UNIVERSITÉ DE BRETAGNE OCCIDENTALE Visiting Brest was like a trip to Nova Scotia. The UBO Business and Information Technology faculty were very interested in any and all possibilities of collaboration and exchange. I believe that UBO provide the best opportunities for students from the smaller UMS campuses.. Daniel Madec at the IUT (2 year vocational school equivalent to our Maine Community College system) is very interested in creating ‘across the pond’ collaborations between his student and ours. UBO also does a lot of work in sustainability and could be a good match for UMFK’s Center for Sustainable Rural development.
General Impressions France, as is all countries in the EU, has a new system of matriculation in higher education called the LMD (License/master/doctorat, 3/5/8). 05/National_Reports-France_ pdfhttp:// 05/National_Reports-France_ pdf French faculty members are government employees with “jobs for life” and fixed salary schedules that are discipline agnostic. An Assistant Professor with 5 years makes the same as any other Assistant Professor with 5 years experience regardless of the University or discipline.
General Impressions What is the benefit for an American student to study in France? If it is the desired outcome of a cultural and linguistic immersion, the same experience can be gained in nearby Quebec at a lower cost. I believe that the best outcome for the student is exposure to the European Union and the differing political, social and economic constructs and the possible opportunities for collaborative learning. The exchange should build from the strengths of both the UMS and our French universities. There needs to be clearer direction from UMS on the following Budgets to support PMF activities Constraining factors that preclude certain collaborations An understanding of the degree of autonomy that each of the seven campuses have under the guidance of the PMF outline. While France has method for inviting professor to France the UMS system (with the exception of Libra) does not have a formalized method for inviting professors and limited funding to do so. The PMF project also has implications for Admissions, Alumni Affairs and University Relations office (including development) that have not been explored.
Next Steps Increase awareness among UMS faculty and Students Create education “Packages” Student going to France Student coming from France We may get 20 students from UBO visiting us for one week next summer Need to create a semester long business concentration for French Students Nantes is ready to send students NOW
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