Curriculum Topic Study and Study Groups
Learning Goals To develop understanding of how Curriculum Topic Study can support the work of and be useful for Study Groups. To develop understanding of how Curriculum Topic Study can support the work of and be useful for Study Groups.
What is a Study Group Collegial, more job-embedded professional learning Collegial, more job-embedded professional learning Collaborative problem solvers Collaborative problem solvers Mutual examiners of teaching and learning Mutual examiners of teaching and learning A safe, nonjudgmental environment for reflection and action to enhance teaching and learning A safe, nonjudgmental environment for reflection and action to enhance teaching and learning
Key Elements of Study Groups Organized around specific topics or issues of importance to the members Organized around specific topics or issues of importance to the members Varied structures (implementation, investigation, research-sharing, institutionalization) Varied structures (implementation, investigation, research-sharing, institutionalization) Self direction and self governance contribute to their success Self direction and self governance contribute to their success
Mock Study Group Sit in groups of 4-6. Sit in groups of 4-6. At your table, you are in a study group that has decided to examine the difficulty students have designing experiments that involve controlling variables. At your table, you are in a study group that has decided to examine the difficulty students have designing experiments that involve controlling variables. Read the Background & Scenario Read the Background & Scenario
Topic Elicitation- KWL What do you know about experimental design before you begin the study? What do you know about experimental design before you begin the study? What types of instructional opportunities or contexts help students learn skills and knowledge of experimental design? What types of instructional opportunities or contexts help students learn skills and knowledge of experimental design? What are some important concepts at your grade level? What are some important concepts at your grade level? What difficulties or misconceptions do have with this topic? What difficulties or misconceptions do have with this topic? What would you like to learn about teaching experimental design? What would you like to learn about teaching experimental design?
Topic Study: Experimental Design Divide up the sections/readings. Divide up the sections/readings. Use the handout, Linking CTS Findings to the Student Inquiry Scaffold to record findings. Use the handout, Linking CTS Findings to the Student Inquiry Scaffold to record findings.
Discuss the CTS Use the EVIDENCE from your reading- not your PERSONAL perspectives Use the EVIDENCE from your reading- not your PERSONAL perspectives What should students know and be able to do? What are some of the instructional implications for teaching experimental design? What should students know and be able to do? What are some of the instructional implications for teaching experimental design?
Experience the Lesson Use the Student Inquiry Scaffold. Use the Student Inquiry Scaffold. In what ways does the lesson address the content revealed in the CTS? In what ways does the lesson address the content revealed in the CTS?
Reflection & Evaluation