Resume Writing Tyrone Sessom
Starting Out A resume is a document used to present your education, experience and qualifications. There are different styles, but the basic nature and purpose of the information are the same.
Your Resume is… An advertisement of you. It informs employers of the education and talents available from a candidate, and should generate interest and action from the employer. Like all good advertisements, your resume should communicate essential information within seconds. The résumé's single most important function is to win an interview for the candidate!
A Good Resume Will, Get you the interview Prepare you mentally for making a strong presentation Structure the interview in your favor Remind the interviewer of your best points Justify the hiring decision
Know your Audience As in any writing, you must know your audience. What is important? What are they looking for? What skills are required? Aggressive or conservative?
An ideal candidate profile would include the following skills and attributes: Ability to acquire new technical skills easily Experience working in teams Ability to persuade others Creative problem solving Demonstrated leadership aptitude Strong work ethic Ability to acquire foreign languages Ambition and reliability
Things to Include Internships co-ops Work Experiences Classroom Projects Travel Study Abroad ResearchPublications Presentations Honors and Awards Student Activities SportsCommunity Service LanguagesTechnology Experience
Tips From The Pro’s Never fold your resume Stay away from too many functions Keep it to one page References on separate page Don’t abbrev. Double check your double checks Should be clear and concise Use functional contact information Sell yourself before you sell anything else
The Career Center Library We have example resumes to help you Printed materials to guide you Links on Website We have a New Website that will help you with all your professional needs!