Curriculum Description Natural Sciences Botany 1. Introduction to Plant Science. 3 unit, 5hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.), Structure, functions adaptations and phylogenic relationships of plants. Zoology 1. General Zoology 1. 3 units, 3 hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.). the morphology, physiology, general life, history and phylogenic relationships of the different phyla. Chemistry 1. General Chemistry. 5 units, 9 hours/week (3 class, 6 lab.). Fundamental principles of Chemistry and preparations, properties and classification of typical compounds.
Math 1. College Algebra. 3 units, 3 hours/week (class). Linear equations, quadratic, complex numbers; binomial theorem, progressions; theory of equations; number systems. Math 2. Plane Trigonometry. 3 units, 3 hours/week (class). Trigonometric functions, solutions of right and oblique triangles; logarithms and applications; radian and inverse trigonometric functions. Statistics 1. Elementary Statistics. 3 units, 5hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.). Basic statistical concepts; frequency tables and distributions; sampling, averages; tests of significance; introduction to regression and correlation; introduction to analysis of variance and experimental design. EDP fundamentals, word processing, spread sheets and database reinforced by hands on sessions.
Social Sciences Social Science 1. Society and Culture with Family Planning. 3 units, 3 hours/week (class). The social, cultural and behavioral bases of contemporary Philippines conditions with emphasis on population, social change, rural development and family planning. Social Science 11. Philippine History. 3 units, 3 hours/week (class). A comprehensive cultural socio-economic and political history of the Philippines from the pre-Hispanic period to the present. Social Science 111. Philippines Government and Politics. 3 units, 3 hours/week (class). The principles of government especially as they apply to the Philippines; the historical and social development of political institutions with special emphasis on the new Constitution. Social Science IV. General Economics (with Taxation and Agrarian Reform). 3 units, 3 hours/week (class). An introduction to economic analysis with special application to the Philippines, including taxation and land reform.
Humanities Humanities 1. Introduction to the Humanities. 3 units, 3 hours /week (class). The fields of music and visual arts. Study of principles and policies underlying them. Humanities 2. Philosophy and Ethics. 3 units, 3 hours/week (class). The philosophical bases of professional and social ethical behaviour. Literature 1. The Philippine Literature. 3 units, 3 hours/week (class). A study of the various literary genres in the Philippines.
Languages English 1. Communication Skills 1. 3 units, 3 hours/week (class). The development of proficiency in the whole exercise of language, with particular emphasis on reading and writing skills and using materials in both the scientific and humanities disciplines. English 11. Communication Skills units, 3 hours/week (class). The development of more advanced written skills and oral (speech) communication. English 111. Scientific Writing. 3 units, 3 hours/week (class). Principles underlying the preparation and writing of scientific papers.
Filipino 1. Sining Pakikipagtalastasan. 3 units, 3 hours/week (class). Mga paraan sa pakikipagtalastasan o pagpapahayag. Paglalarawan, pagsasalaysay, paglalahad at pangangatwiran. Filipino 2. Polklorikong Filipino. 3 units, 3 hours/week (class). Panimula sa Polklorikong Filipino. PI 100. Life and Works of Rizal. 3 units, 3 hours/week (class). The life and works of Rizal and other heroes. National Service Training Program (NSTP). Instead of the military sciences for males, the NSTP courses for both male and female students have been offered. The NSTP has three components: the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), the Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), and the Literacy Training Service (LTS). Students are required to take two (2) NSTP courses under the component of his/her choice.
Physical Education. Basic Physical Education (PE) is a prerequisite for graduation. All students should comply with this requirement during their freshman and sophomore years. Eight (8) units of PE are required of all undergraduates, which is equivalent to four courses, broken down as follows: PE 1. Foundations of Physical Fitness, required of all students PE2. Elective physical education activities for neginners. PE3. Elective physical education activities for intermediate studentswho have taken PE 2 in the same activity. PE 4. Elective physical education activities for intermediate students who have taken PE 3 in the same activity.
CORE COURSES Crop Science Crop Science 1a. Fundamentals of Agronomic Production. 3 units, 5 hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.). Principles and practices of producing agronomic crops. Crop Science 1 b. Fundamentals of Horticulture. 3 units, 5 hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.) Principles and practices of horticultural crops production
Animal Science Animal Science 1 a. Introduction to Animal Science. 3 units, 5 hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.). Principles of breeding, physiology and nutrition in relation to production, processing and marketing of animal products. Animal Science 1 b. Introduction to Livestock and Poultry Production. 3 units, 5 hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.). The management of farm animals for the efficient production of meat, milk, eggs and other animal products. Integrated Pest Management (3). Identification of common agroforestry pests, causal organisms; describe biology and ecology of pests, and control techniques. Soil Science 1. Principles of Soil Science. 3 units, 5 hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.). Nature, properties and management of soils
Agroforestry Introduction to Agroforestry. 3 units, 3 hours (class). Principles and practices of agroforestry. Agroforestry Nursery and Plantation. 3 units, 5 hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.). Recent innovations and techniques in agroforestry nursery and plantation establishment and management including Mensuration techniques. Agroforestry Taxonomy. 3 units, 5 hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.). Taxonomic characters, identification, classification, biological nomenclature of agroforestry species. Agroforestry Physiology. 3 units, 5hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.). Different environmental factors affecting the growth and development of various agroforestry crops focusing on tree-crop-animal-soil-climate interaction/synergy.
Surveying and Mapping including GIS Tools. Surveying and Mapping. 3 units, 7 hours/week (1 class, 6 lab.). Principles of surveying and topographic mapping, direct and indirect leveling; elementary engineering; using GIS tools. Ecology of Agroforestry. 3 units, 5 hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.). Interrelationships of agroforestry plants and environmental factors; structure and dynamics of vegetational types; plant succession; indicator plants and ecological methods to enhance green productivity or cleaner productions. Applied Sociology. 3 units, 3 hours/week (class). The development patterns, social structure, spatial characteristics, institutions, processes, problems and issues associated with rural and urban areas; implications for policy planning; including anthropological approaches to the systematic study of changing human interactions with economics.
Major Courses Community Organizing and Development in Agroforestry. 3 units, 5 hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.). Theories, concepts, processes and tools for community organizing and development; and their application to agroforestry. Systems Appraisal and Design in Agroforestry. 3 units, 5 hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.). Concepts and application of site diagnosis, and design of appropriate agroforestry systems and technologies using D and D methodologies. Managing Agroforestry Projects (Integrate EIA as topic. 3 units, 5 hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.). Planning and preparation of feasibility studies; implementation, monitoring and evaluation of agroforestry projects including EIA. MAJOR AREA
Agroforestry, Governance, Policies and Programs. 3 units, 5 hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.). Laws, rules and regulations, legal procedures, administrative orders relative to the conservation and utilization of natural resources especially dealing with agroforestry. Agroforestry Production Systems. 5 units, 9 hours/week (3 class, 6 lab.). Species selection and propagation; and cultural management of land based and aquatic production and post-production technologies. Soil and Water Conservation. 3 units, 5 hours/week (2 class, 3 lab.). Soil deterioration and its control; maintenance and improvement of soil fertility and productivity; soil and water conservation measures including topics on soil fertility management.
Agroforestry Enterprise Management. 5 units, 9 hours/week (3 class, 6 lab.). Principles of agroforestry enterprise management including credit, finance marketing and advance agroforestry economics. Agroforestry Research Methods. 5 units, 9 hours/week (3 class, 6 lab.). Study of the qualitative and quantitative research methods and protocols. Evaluation of social and biological researches in agroforestry. Agroforestry Extension Models and Approaches. 3 units. Principles. Models and methods of extension in agroforestry development.
Seminar in Agroforestry. 1 unit. Contemporary issues and practices in agroforestry. ELECTIVES (Choose any 6 unit elective courses) (6) Field Practicum/Entrepreneurship/Thesis Options (6)
Proposed Subjects/Modules of the BSc in Watershed Management that are rated very important by the employers and past students. Forest Hydrology Watershed Management Forest Resource Management Forest Meteorology Watershed Influences Multiple-Use Management Land Use Management Forest Range Management