Designing Distributed Objects 1 Distributed Objects Objective Understand the difference between local and distributed objects and how to correctly use them Outline Object Model Local versus Distributed Objects
Designing Distributed Objects 2 Object Types Object types specify the common characteristic of similar objects Object types define a contract that binds the interaction between client and server objects Object types are specified through interfaces that determine the operations that clients can request. Operation visibility: public, private, etc. Signature of an operation: name, list of formal parameters, and the result with type information Non-Object Types Atomic types: boolean, char, int, etc, Values No identity Cannot be referenced
Designing Distributed Objects 3 Objects Object Unique identifier Multiple references Attributes public Private Name and a type Class or static variables (not for distributed objects) Operations Object Identity vs Equality Identical equal Equal ! identical
Designing Distributed Objects 4 Requests An object request is made by a client object in order to request execution of an operation from a server object. Object reference Operation List of actual parameters Request vs method invocation Resolve data heterogeneity Synchronization between client and server objects Communication through network …
Designing Distributed Objects 5 Exceptions Exceptions are a mechanism for notifying clients about failures that occur during the execution of an object request. Data structures carrying details about failures Part of the contract between client and sever objects Raised by a server object Raised by middleware (system exception) Transferred via network from server to client
Designing Distributed Objects 6 Types and Distributed Objects Attributes, operations and exceptions are properties objects may export to other objects. Multiple objects may export the same properties. Only define the properties once! Attributes and operations, and exceptions are defined in object types.
Designing Distributed Objects 7 Attributes Attributes have a name and a type. Type can be an object type or a non-object type. Attributes are readable by other components. Attributes may or may not be modifiable by other components. Attributes correspond to one or two operations (set/get).
Designing Distributed Objects 8 Exceptions Service requests in a distributed system may not be properly executed. Exceptions are used to explain reason of failure to requester of operation execution. Operation execution failures may be generic or specific. Specific failures may be explained in specific exceptions.
Designing Distributed Objects 9 Operations Operations have a signature that consists of a name, a list of in, out, or inout parameters, a return value type, and a list of exceptions that the operation can raise.
Designing Distributed Objects 10 Object Type Example > Player -name:string; -role:Position; -Number:int; +void book(in Date d) raises (AlreadyBooked);
Designing Distributed Objects 11 Operation Execution Requests A client object can request an operation execution from a server object. Operation request is expressed by sending a message (operation name) to server object. Server objects are identified by object references. Clients have to react to exceptions that the operation may raise.
Designing Distributed Objects 12 Subtyping Properties shared by several types should be defined only once. Object types are organised in a type hierarchy. Subtypes inherit attributes, exceptions and operations from their supertypes. Subtypes can add more specific properties. Subtypes can redefine inherited properties.
Designing Distributed Objects 13 Multiple Inheritance Means that one object type can be subtype of more than one super type Not supported by all middleware May lead to ambiguities
Designing Distributed Objects 14 Multiple Inheritance Example > Player -name:string; -role:Position; -Number:int; +void book(in Date d) raises (AlreadyBooked); +next_game():Date > Trainer -salary:int; +next_game():Date > PlayerTrainer
Designing Distributed Objects 15 Polymorphism Object models may be statically typed. Static type of a variable restricts the dynamic type of objects that can be assigned to it. Polymorphism denotes the possibility of assignments of objects that are instances of the static type and all its subtypes.
Designing Distributed Objects 16 Polymorphism Example chelsea:Team name = “Chelsea” v:PlayerTrainer name = “Gianluca Vialli” role = Forward Number = 10 salary= z:Player name = “Gianfranco Zola” role=Forward Number=3 d:Player name = “Marcel Desailly” role=Defender Number=5
Designing Distributed Objects 17 Motivation Many will have experience with designing local objects that reside in the run-time environment of an OO programming lang. Designing distributed objects is different! Explain the differences. Avoid some serious pitfalls
Designing Distributed Objects 18 Local vs. distributed Objects References Activation/Deactivation Migration Persistence Latency of Requests Concurrency Communication Security èSeveral Pitfalls are lurking here
Designing Distributed Objects 19 Object Lifecycle OOPL objects reside in one virtual machine. Distributed objects might be created on a different machine. Distributed objects might be copied or moved (migrated) from one machine to another. Deletion by garbage collection does not work in a distributed setting. Lifecycle needs attention during the design of distributed objects.
Designing Distributed Objects 20 Object References References to objects in OOPL are usually pointers to memory addresses sometimes pointers can be turned into references (C++) sometimes they cannot (Smalltalk,Java) References to distributed objects are more complex Location information Security information References to object types èReferences to distributed objects are bigger (e.g 40 bytes with Orbix).
Designing Distributed Objects 21 Latency of Requests Performing a local method call requires a couple of hundred nanoseconds. An object request requires between 0.1 and 10 milliseconds. èInterfaces of distributed objects need to be designed in a way that operations perform coarse-grained tasks do not have to be requested frequently
Designing Distributed Objects 22 Example: Iteration over a Sequence Java Vector +size():int +elementAt(i:int):Object... Distributed Objects List +long list (in how_many:long, out l:sequence, out bi:Iterator i) Iterator +next_one(out o:Object): boolean +next_n(in how_many:long, out l:sequence ):boolean
Designing Distributed Objects 23 Activation/Deactivation Objects in OOPL are in virtual memory between creation and destruction. This might be inappropriate for distributed objects sheer number of objects objects might not be used for a long time some hosts might have to be shut down without stopping all applications Distributed object implementations are brought into main memory (activation) discarded from main memory (deactivation)
Designing Distributed Objects 24 Activation/Deactivation (cont’d) BvB:Team bookGoalies Tony:Trainer object activated object activated object deactivation object deactivation
Designing Distributed Objects 25 Activation/Deactivation (cont’d) Several questions arise Repository for implementations Association between objects and processes Explicit vs. implicit activation When to deactivate objects How to treat concurrent requests Who decides answers to these questions? Designer Programmer Administrator How to document decisions?
Designing Distributed Objects 26 Persistence Stateless vs. statefull objects Statefull objects have to save their state between object deactivation and object activation onto persistent storage Can be achieved by externalization into file system mapping to relational database object database To be considered during object design
Designing Distributed Objects 27 Parallelism Execution of OOPL objects is often sequential concurrent (with multi-threading) Distributed objects execute in parallel Can be used to accelerate computations
Designing Distributed Objects 28 Communication Method invocations of OOPL objects are synchronous Alternatives for distributed objects: synchronous requests oneway requests deferred synchronous requests asynchronous requests Who decides on request Designer of server? Designer of client? How documented?
Designing Distributed Objects 29 Failures Distributed object requests are more likely to fail than local method calls Different request reliabilities are available for distributed objects Clients have an obligation to validate that servers have executed request
Designing Distributed Objects 30 Security Security in OO applications can be dealt with at session level. OOPL Objects do not have to be written in a particular way. For distributed objects: Who is requesting an operation execution? How can we know that subject is who it claims to be? How do we decide whether or not to grant that subject the right to execute the service? How can we prove that we have delivered a service so as to make the requester pay
Designing Distributed Objects 31 Key Points Distributed objects evolved from research and development in object-oriented programming languages and distribution middleware The Unified Modeling Language can be used to design distributed objects Meta object models determine the characteristics of distributed objects Designers need to be aware of differences between local and distributed objects