Research Programme Design and Management – Experiences from CRUE – Partner Countries Reiner Enders PTJ (Project Management Organisation Juelich) Brussels, 8 th and 9 th December 2008
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices Results of CRUE work package 3 Good practice guide for research programme identification, promotion and validation Provides an overview of the various practices and opportunities for programme design and management in the CRUE partner countries Can be used as a tool-box for future funding activities
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices Driving forces for flood research Actual flood events Climate change Political targets and strategies Scientific interests Economic interests Interests of stakeholders Identification of research needs
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices Approaches for the identification of research needs Top-down vs. bottom up Analyses of problems and deficiencies (past- and present-oriented approach) vs. Development of objectives and visions (future- oriented approach) Policy StakeholderScience Physical and social world Top down Bottom up Identification of research needs
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices Who is involved? Identification of research needs
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices Methods for identification of research needs Inquiries Internet (search eng., databases, …) Literature (journals, reports, …) Results of prev. research progr. Interviews/bilateral consultation Multilateral consultation: Workshops Meetings of boards/panels/ committees External Studies: e.g. scenario planning, Delphi technique, foresight study Identification of research needs
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices Time frame for identification of research needs Identification of research needs 2 months – 5 years; typically > 1 year
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices Practical Example - CRUE Workshop: “Linking Flood Policy und Research”, April participants from CRUE partner countries (stakeholders, scientists, funding organisations, … ) 7 issue areas / discussion groups 10 research topics were written down on flipcharts for each issue area All participants identified the most important 3 or 4 topics in each issue area by adhesive spots Selected top topics were worked out in more detail Number of adhesive spots were used for a ranking of topics After the workshop: Analysis regarding duplication or overlap; comparison with research work in progress or recently completed Identification of research needs
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices CRUE Good Practice Guide – Topics related to Programme Management Funding instruments and target groups Programme duration and financing Publication of programmes Call for proposals and call for tenders Proposal evaluation Programme steering Promotion and dissemination of programmes and programme results Programme management structures Programme Management
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices Role of programme managers Programme Management Ministries (Environment, Interior, Transport, Research, …) National Agencies/ Authorities Project Management Agency National Level Regional Agencies/ Authorities Project Management Agency Regional Level (optional) Municipalities Local Authorities River Basin Organisations Flood Protection Centers Weather Forecast/ Early Warning Universities Public Research Organisations Private Research Institutes Companies Insurance Consultants/ Engineers/ Service provider NGOsPublic Local Level Aid Organisations Stakeholder / Interest Groups Science Ministries (Environment, Interior, Transport, Research, …) Independent Research Funding Organisations
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices Timescales for research Typical Programme duration: 1 – 5 a Typical Project duration: 1 – 3 a Programme Management
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices Types of projects and funding instruments/financing – Evaluation by CRUE-Partners Programme Management
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices Structures – Programme Steering / Evaluation Example – Joint Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) R&D Programme/UK-England Programme Management
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices 2 nd CRUE Common Call: Structure and responsibilities Joint project officers National project officers 2 nd Common Call Steering Committee Scientific coordination project Scientific Advisory Board Political advisors Joint projects coordinators Subprojects leaders WP6 Leader Programme Management
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices Evaluation and Communication
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices Criteria for Programme Evaluation Practical Example from France Relevance of the programme and its objectives compared to the societal interests Effectiveness Efficiency Internal coherence: objectives and sub-objectives External coherence: relation to other policies Sustainability Usefulness Evaluation and Communication
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices Promotion and dissemination of programmes and results Internet site Newsletter ( ) Conferences, workshops etc. Programme presentation at various meetings and conferences Reports, books, publication in journals Programme brochure Governmental periodicals Press release, press conference Targeted financial support of dissemination measures on project level Evaluation and Communication
8 -9/12/2008 Collaboration in Research Management: Sharing Experiences to Identify good Practices CRUE NM4, Oxford 18 CRUE 1 st Common Call Synthesis Report Key findings for politicians and policy makers Recommendations for further research Based on key questions to be answered by all research projects in final reports, e.g.: -Definitions -Methods used -Institutional framework -Linking research to policy -Sustainability Evaluation and Communication
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