Constantine & councils 1.Changes initiated by emperor Constantine. 2.Rise of monasticism. 3.Incarnation & Trinity. Councils.
Constantine’s Vision
Constantine defeated Maxentius here. Milvian bridge near Rome
Constantine’s Arch in Rome (312-15).
Emperor Valentinian I ( ) holds labarum. 4 th c. coin (imitation).
CHURCH & STATE BEFORE CONSTANTINEAFTER CONSTANTINE max. 10% of the population more than half of the population illegal religion favored and protected by Emperor persecuted minority persecuting majority relatively poor, little property wealthy tended to undercut family and tribal relations cemented social and family ties other-worldly and ascetic world-embracing monasticism as a separate movement
Monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai.
Mar Saba’s monastery. Judean desert.
Rila monastery. Bulgaria.
HOLY PLACES, SACRED SPACES BEFORE CONSTANTINEAFTER CONSTANTINE sense of non-belonging, homelessness the whole Empire became home no holy places holy land recovered secret gatherings in private houses public buildings (basilicas) became churches
The Earliest Surviving Christian Church
Basilica of Nativity in Bethlehem. 4 th c.
Basilica of St. Apollianarius in Ravenna, Italy.
Martyrium basilica & Resurrection rotunda on Golgotha
Cross-shaped basilica. Plan. St. Simpliciano, Milan, late 4 th c. Plan.
Cross-shaped basilica. St. Simpliciano, Milan, late 4 th c. Exterior.
Crucifixion. Door from St. Sabina, Rome Cypress wood.
Basilica of St. Sabina
SACRED TIME BEFORE CONSTANTINEAFTER CONSTANTINE expected Jesus to return soon apocalyptic expectations faded alienation from pagan calendar & feasts replaced pagan feasts with Christian holidays
Who do you say that I am? ‘The Father is greater than I.’ (Jn 14:28) Nobody knows the time [of the end] but the Father. (Cf. Mt. 24:36). ‘I and the Father are one.’ (Jn 10:30) ‘The Word was God.’ (Jn 1:2).
Incarnation and Trinity Arius: the Son (Jesus Christ) is inferior to God the Father Council of Nicaea 325: The Son is of one essence with the Father Council of Constantinople 381: Trinity: one essence, three persons. Council of Chalcedon 451: Christ is fully divine & fully human.